
This is a simple Port Flooder written in Python 3. Use this tool to quickly stress test your network devices and measure your router's or server's load.

Primary LanguagePython

   ******      **     **     ******      **     **
  **////**    ****   /**    **////**    ****   /**
 **    //    **//**  /**   **    //    **//**  /**
/**         **  //** /**  /**         **  //** /**
/**        **********/**  /**        **********/**
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  //////  //      // //     //////  //      // // 

CAICAI.py - Port Flooder

  • This is a simple Port Flooder written in Python 3. Use this tool to quickly stress test your network devices and measure your router's or server's load.
$ python3 caicai.py