
Small full-stack application that fetches and renders GitHub user information.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dev Duel

This is an archive of a project done during Cook System's FastTrack boot camp. To browse the rest of the projects, please visit my FastTrack project on GitHub.

Project overview

Project frontpage

For this project, I was tasked with developing a small full-stack application that interfaces with GitHub's API in order to aggregate, transform, and display a GitHub user's profile and repository data.

The project is composed of two independent pieces, the front-end built using normal HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and the back-end, consisting of a Node server exposing an API using Express.

Technologies used

  • NodeJS
  • Express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
  • Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js
  • Bootstrap 5 - A popular framework for building websites.
  • nodemon - Watches code and restarts server
  • live-server - Watches code and serves static files

Running the project

Running the project requires access to the GitHub API, and as such, doing so might requires setting up a token. A live version of this project will be made available soon to see it in action.


The back-end part of this project consisted of implementing two endpoints, one that fetches GitHub user information for a single user and one that fetches the same information for many users. I also implemented a third endpoint that fetches more information on a user, some of which is hard to access without going through all the user's repos, for example, language usage by bits, and number of stars received on their repositories.


The front-end was implemented with jQuery, Bootstrap, and static HTML. Data was fetched from the back-end, and jQuery was used to present the client with relevant information on that user. Bootstrap's flex grid was used to display this information in an organized, responsive, and mobile-friendly way.