
:moneybag: The definitive bitso framework for iOS

Primary LanguageSwift

Carthage compatible

Important Note for Bitso API users:

Tha Bitso API does not follow the reuse release equivalence principle which impose that:

Reuse Release Equivalence Principle. ... The granule of reuse is the granule of release. Only components that are released through a tracking system can effectively be reused. This granule is the package.

This means that as a Bitso API user I'm not protected from changes in the API.

The best way to overcome this for now it's to install the bitso client and use a proxy to sniff the requests made to the API.

How to use

Right now we support Public API calls.

How to contribute


You can find our sprint board on: https://github.com/JuIioCesar/Bitso/projects/1

API Response Models

To build the models I usually use: http://www.json4swift.com with the latest Swift 4 Codeable Mapping along with this process:

  1. Go to https://bitso.com/api_info
  2. Choose a private endpoint. You can raise an issue and assign it to yourself to communicate that you are working on an specific endpoint
  3. Copy the JSON Response
  4. Use JSON Response as input of http://www.json4swift.com
  5. Download the generated files
  6. Remove optionals from the generated files using the next two points
  7. You can use Find and Replace to remove the ? from those files before adding them to the project.
  8. You can use Find and Replace to replace the decodeIfPresent for a decode in the generated files before adding them to the project.
  9. Correct automated code in subcontainers by replacing code like payload = Payload(decoder) for decode(Payload.self, key: "payload")
  10. Add the generated files to the project.
  11. Test the models using a unit test.
  12. Rename structs to verbose names like Book instead of Payload and BooksResponse instead of Json4Swift_Base
  13. Add your name to the contributors list
  14. Raise a Pull Request


Julio César Guzmán Villanueva