Jboss CLI snippets compilation


A compilation of interesting code snippets useful to manage Jboss via CLI. It is intended as a point of reference to know how to do certain tasks, but remember you will have to adapt them to your environment! (datasource names, usernames...)

In the snippets, I will use certain conventions:

User -> jota

Password -> mypassword

Datasource -> jotaDS

In some sections of the content I will place a subsection for standalone and another for domain. If not said otherwise, a command should work both in standalone and domain mode.

Table of contents

  1. Connecting and interacting with the CLI
  2. Platform and subsystems information and monitoring
  3. Snapshots
  4. Start and stop components
  5. Deployments
  6. Datasources
  7. System properties
  8. Domain specific tips and tricks
  9. Network
  10. Naming and JNDI
  11. Logging
  12. License

Connecting and interacting with the CLI

  • There are many ways to connect and interact with the CLI:

    $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c
    $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c --controller= --user=jota --password=mypassword
    $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c --controller= --user=jota --password=mypassword --command=":shutdown"
    $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c --controller= --user=jota --password=mypassword --file=mybatch.cli

Platform and subsystems information and monitoring

  • View codename of the Jboss version

  • Check product version

  • Check the mode Jboss is running

  • Check platform attributes, we can see many:

    • We can see many (press TAB)
    [standalone@localhost:9990 /] /core-service=platform-mbean/type=
    buffer-pool  class-loading  compilation  garbage-collector  memory  memory-manager  memory-pool  operating-system  runtime  threading
    • For example in standalone, to see the operating system:
    • And in domain to see the operating system:
  • Check runtime attributes

    • For example, JVM version in standalone:
    • And in domain:
  • List subsystems

    • In standalone:
    • In domain, list subsystems of a particular server instance:


  • Take snapshot

  • Load snapshot

    $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.sh --server-config=standalone_xml_history/snapshot/20110913-164449522standalone.xml
  • Delete snapshot

  • Delete all snapshots

  • List snapshots


Start and stop components


  • Start standalone

    JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.sh (additional options, see --help)
  • Stop standalone

    • In the CLI:
    • Passing as a command:
    $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c --controller= --command=":shutdown()"
    $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c --controller= --command=":shutdown()" --user=jota --password=mypassword
  • Restart

    • Also passing as a command:
    $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c --controller= --command=":shutdown(restart=true)"


  • Start domain

    JBOSS_HOME/bin/domain.sh (additional options)
  • Shutdown domain

    $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --controller=localhost:9999 command="/host=master:shutdown"
    • Or if user and password needed:
    $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh --connect --controller=localhost:9999 command=/host=master:shutdown  --user=jota --password=mypassword
    • Also once logged in the CLI:
  • Start and stop server instances from a server group

  • Start and stop a particular Jboss instance

  • Restart servers from server group




  • Deploy an application

    deploy /opt/jboss/example_apps/appbinaries/example.war
  • Redeploy (force deployment when application is already deployed)

    deploy /opt/jboss/example_apps/appbinaries/example.war --force
  • Deploy an application but leave it disabled

    deploy /opt/jboss/example_apps/appbinaries/example.war --disabled
  • Check deployments

    undeploy -l
    ls deployment
  • Undeploy application

    undeploy example.war
  • Disable application

    undeploy example.war --keep-content
  • Enable a disabled application

    deploy --name=example.war


  • Deploy in a specific server group

    deploy /opt/jboss/example_apps/appbinaries/example.war --server-groups=main-server-group
  • Redeploy/force deployment. Note that no server-group is passed. This is because the content of the application will be redeployed in the server-groups where it is already present

    deploy /opt/jboss/example_apps/appbinaries/example.war --force
  • Undeploy in a specific server group

    undeploy example.war --server-groups=main-server-group
  • Check deployments in a specific server group

    deployment-info --server-group=main-server-group
  • Check information about one deployment

    deployment-info --name=jboss-as-kitchensink.war
  • Deploy, undeploy or check all server groups

    deploy /opt/jboss/example_apps/appbinaries/example.war --all-server-groups
    undeploy example.war --all-relevant-server-groups



  • Datasource/pool stastics

  • List description of available attributes and childs of a datasource

  • Add datasource

    data-source add \
        --name=jotaDS \
        --driver-name=oracle \
        --connection-url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE \
        --jndi-name=java:jboss/jdbc/jotaDS \
        --user-name=databaseuser \
        --password=password \
        --use-ccm=false \
        --max-pool-size=25 \
        --blocking-timeout-wait-millis=5000 \
  • Add XA datasource

    xa-data-source add \
        --name=jotaDS \
        --driver-name=postgresql \
        --jndi-name=java:jboss/jdbc/jotaDS \
        --user-name=demouser \
        --password=password \
        --recovery-username= jota \
        --recovery-password = mypassword \
        --use-ccm=false \
        --max-pool-size=25 \
        --blocking-timeout-wait-millis=5000 \
  • Remove, enable, disable datasource

    data-source remove --name=jotaDS
    data-source enable --name=jotaDS
    data-source disable --name=jotaDS
  • Remove database driver

  • Add JDBC driver

  • Flush datasources

  • Enable statistics (Jboss EAP 6.3+)

  • See statistics

  • List all available datasources

  • Write, remove attributes



  • Flush datasources

  • Enable statistics in a profile datasource (Jboss EAP 6.3+)

  • See statistics

  • Information regarding timeouts, max/min pool, enabled/disabled...

    • Also at profile level, information:
  • List all available datasources in a given profile

  • Write, remove attributes

  • Add datasource to a profile (in this example,full-ha)

    data-source add \
        --name=jotaDS \
        --driver-name=oracle \
        --connection-url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE \
        --jndi-name=java:jboss/jdbc/jotaDS \
        --user-name=databaseuser \
        --password=password \
        --use-ccm=false \
        --max-pool-size=25 \
        --blocking-timeout-wait-millis=5000 \
        --profile=full-ha \
  • Add XA datasource to a profile (in this example,full-ha)

    xa-data-source add \
        --name=jotaDS \
        --driver-name=postgresql \
        --jndi-name=java:jboss/jdbc/jotaDS \
        --user-name=demouser \
        --password=password \
        --recovery-username= jota \
        --recovery-password = mypassword \
        --use-ccm=false \
        --max-pool-size=25 \
        --blocking-timeout-wait-millis=5000 \
        --enabled=true" \
    • After adding it, add the connection URL:
  • Remove, disable, enable datasource

    data-source --profile=full-ha remove --name=jotaDS
    data-source --profile=full-ha disable --name=jotaDS
    data-source --profile=full-ha enable --name=jotaDS
  • Read datasource

    data-source --profile=full-ha read-resource --name=jotaDS
    • Also at profile level:

System properties


  • Add, read, remove, write-attribute

    /system-property=foo:write-attribute(name="value", value="newValue")
  • View all system properties



  • Add, read, remove, write-attribute affecting all hosts and server instances in domain (the system property will be added in domain.xml)

    /system-property=foo:write-attribute(name="value", value="newValue")
  • Add, read, remove write-attribute affecting only host and its server instances (the system property will be added in host.xml)

    /host=master/system-property=foo:write-attribute(name="value", value="newValue")
  • Manage system properties at server instance level

    /host=master/server-config=server-one/system-property=foo:write-attribute(name="value", value="newValue")
  • View system properties

    • At host level:
    • At server instance level:

Domain specific tips and tricks

  • View to which server group belongs a server:

  • To view all the servers and the groups they belong to:

  • Get list of servers available in the domain in a particular host:

    ls host=master/server-config
    • Or also:
  • To view info about a particular server

  • Configure JVM for a particular Jboss instance

  • Add JVM option to the default definition of your JVM

    • Host level
    • Server-group level
    • Jboss instance levelç



  • See public interface



  • See public interface of a Jboss server instance


Naming and JNDI


  • Add, remove, modify, read JNDI

    /subsystem=naming/binding=java\:jboss\/param\/demoParam:add(value="Demo configuration value",binding-type=simple)
    • Will result in:
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:naming:1.4">
            <simple name="java:jboss/param/demoParam" value="Demo configuration value"/>                            
    • Remove, modify and read:
  • Check JNDI Tree



  • Add,remove, modify, read JNDI

    /profile=full-ha/subsystem=naming/binding=java\:jboss\/param\/demoParam:add(value="Demo configuration value",binding-type=simple)
  • Check JNDI Tree




  • Change a logger log level, for example root-logger to DEBUG:

  • Create log-category for a specific package:

  • Change log level for that package to DEBUG:

  • Take a look at the following interesting operations you can perform since Jboss EAP 7

    • List logs available for a Jboss instance
    • Read last 5 lines of server.log
    • Make a tail showing the last 10 lines of server.log


  • Change the log level of the root-logger to DEBUG in the profile my-app (this profile name will change in your case):

  • Add log-category for a package:

  • Change log level of a log-category:

  • Also in domain mode, you can perform the following operations since Jboss EAP 7

    • List logs available for a Jboss instance server-one in master host
    • Read last 5 lines of server.log of server-one
    • Make a tail showing the last 10 lines of server-one's server.log


This repo is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International