#php #mvc #master-in-software-engineering

Employee Management V2


This project provides an easy-to-use interface to manage employees information. The application user case starts with an user log in, and allows the user to read, create, delete and update the employee´s information. The user and employee data is stored in a database.

This project objective is to create a file structure following the MVC pattern, with a basic router implementation and OOP approach.



  • You need to have a database with all the employees and users in your mysql workspace. We provide you with all the required queries to create the database, its tables and insert mock data inside the resources folder.
  • Set your database configuration on the config/db.php file. (username, password, dbname etc.)

Install - Run

The project dependencies are already referenced in the package-lock.json file in the root folder. For that reason, it is only necesary to run the following command to allow these to work:

npm instal

In order to complete/execute this project, the set up of a server environment and PHP interpreter is needed. You need to have at least PHP v7.4 or above to develop this project, which is capable of running PHP to its latest version.

  • XAMPP with PHP >= 7.4

Technologies used

* Visual Studio Code - Developement IDE

* HTML - Markup Language

* CSS - Style Sheet Language

* Javascript - Programming Language

* Bootstrap - Front-end Library

* JQuery - JS library

* JS-Grid - JS library

* PHP - Scripting language

* XAMPP - Open source cross-platform web server

Download project

To download or install this project in your local computer, either clone the repository or downdload. In order to run the project, please refer to the requirements and install section in this README file.


This project could be used to manage employee information.

Based on

This repository is based on a past delivery from master's students:

👤 Víctor Martínez

👤 Ismael Vázquez

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