- 0
Starting from center of 3x3
#15 opened by leonardozanarella - 0
- 1
Vertical then Horizontal?
#2 opened by sney-js - 0
- 2
How goto to specific vertical ittem
#7 opened by leoperezdev - 0
Why childrens?
#12 opened by svkaka - 0
How can I add Indıcator to verticalViewPager
#11 opened by taranTR - 3
control horizontal swipe
#6 opened by JFreyberger - 0
Can this prevent horizontal swiping on certain pages inside the verticalpager?
#10 opened by jonlockwood - 0
- 0
Add License for this Repository
#8 opened by mnafian - 2
- 0
Debug = true
#5 opened by AndroidinLondon - 2
Manifest merger problem
#3 opened by DanChaltiel - 2