Election Analysis

Overview of Election Audit

The purpose of this project is to audit the recent local congressional election and send the results to the election commission.

Election-Audit Results

  • There were 369,711 total votes in this congressional election.
Jefferson 38,855 10.5%
Denver 306,055 82.8%
Arapahoe 24,801 6.7%
TOTAL 369,711 100.0%
  • Denver county has the largest numver of votes
Charles Casper Stockham 85,213 23.0%
Diana DeGette 272,892 73.8%
Raymon Anthony Doane 11,606 3.1%
TOTAL 369,711 100.0%
  • With 272,892 votes, which represents 73.8% of the total number of votes, Diana DeGette won the election.

Election-Audit Summary

  1. By adding a Boolean column (True or False), the same code, with small modification, can be used for ballots. Instead of counting the number of candidates, we can count the number or True (approve) versus False (disapprove).
  2. Also, the same code can be used for Governor elections by adding a State column to the election_results.csv file


  • Data Source: election_results.csv
  • Software: Python 3.9.7. Visual Studio Code 1.63