School District Analysis

Overview of School District Analysis

The purpose of this analysis is to describe how the academic dishonesty in Thomas High School has affected the overall performance.


  • How is the district summary affected?
    There is a tiny change in the district summary, so small that we can conclude that removing the 9th grade scores for math and reading from Thomas High School has not affect in the district summary.

  • How is the school summary affected?
    All the schools kept the same average scores and the same passing percentage except for of 'Thomas High School'.

  • How does replacing the ninth graders’ math and reading scores affect Thomas High School’s performance relative to the other schools?
    After replacing all the ninth graders' math and reading scores for 'Thomas High School' with NaN, the math, reading, and the overall passing percentage for THS have decreased around 28%, but the average math and reading scores remain very similar.
Thomas High School BEFORE AFTER
% Passing Math 93.3% 66.9%
% Passing Reading 97.3% 69.7%
% Overall Passing 90.9% 65.1%
  • How does replacing the ninth-grade scores affect the following
    • Math scores by grade
      Replacing the ninth grade only affected the 'Thomas High School' 9th grade. Everything else remains the same.

  • Reading scores by grade
      Replacing the ninth grade only affected the 'Thomas High School' 9th grade. Everything else remains the same.

  • Scores by school spending
      Replacing the ninth grade affected only the $630-644 spending per student range, but can only be noticed at the decimal level, not when displaying whole numbers.

  • Scores by school size
      Replacing the ninth grade has not affected the scores by school size.

  • Scores by school type
      Replacing the ninth grade has not affected the scores by school type.


  1. The 9th grade was removed from the THS passing percentage analysis.
  2. The THS summary values were manually updated to reflect more accurate results.
  3. The differences can only be noticed after the decimal point.
  4. There is not a notable difference between the average scores after removing the THS ninth grade.