
Tool for manage zabbix templates as YAML files.

Primary LanguagePython


This tool allow manipulate on Zabbix objects, like template, over the restful API, keep congituration in YAML files and store them in git.

It current supports the following:

  • Templates (with almost full set of objects)
  • Hostgroups
  • Autoregistration
  • Alerts
  • Macros

What it's doesn't support yet, but highly desirable:

  • It doesn't flush zabbix configuration
  • No users\groups management yet
  • No medias yet


The zabbixcli use py-zabbix module. Which can be installed with pip.

pip install py-zabbix

How it works

This tool takes yaml formated template files, resolve dependencies, and make appropriate API calls to zabbix server for create template hierarchy or make another actions.

Important: I highly recommend remove any current templates before use this tool, and manage your zabbix templates only with zabbixcli.


Feel free to use any of those templates zabbixcli-templates, modify them or make your own.


The tool usage guide can be found by running zabbixcli with -h flag

$ zabbixcli -h

usage: zabbixcli [-h] [-t TEMPLATE] [-s SERVER] [-u USER] [-p PASS] [-o] [-d]
                 [-D DELETE [DELETE ...]]

Template based zabbix configuration tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
                        Template name for sync
  -s SERVER, --server SERVER
                        Zabbix server URL
  -u USER, --user USER  Zabbix user name
  -p PASS, --pass PASS  Zabbix user password
  -o, --only            Sync only specified templates
  -d, --debug           Enable debug mode
  -D DELETE [DELETE ...], --delete DELETE [DELETE ...]
                        Delete object from zabbix. Example: -D item "Template
                        OS Linux" "Available memory"

Configure zabbixcli

First you should configure zabbixcli to works with appropriate zabbix server and use right credentials. You can either specify these as command arguments, or use environment varible, or mix them.

Notice: Command line arguments have precedence over environment variables.

cat >> ~/.bash_profile <<'EOM'
# Cretentials for zabbixcli
export ZBXCLI_USER=admin
export ZBXCLI_PASS=zabbix
export ZBXCLI_URL=https://localhost
export ZBXCLI_TEMPLATES=~/zabbix_templates

Apply default template

Just run:

$ zabbixcli -t "Template OS Linux"
[05/29/2015 23:48:54] Template 'Template OS Linux' was fully loaded.
[05/29/2015 23:48:55] Done.

or go to template directory and run:

$ zabbixcli -t ./

Delete object from zabbix

You can delete single object from zabbix. To delete an item from specific template do:

$ zabbixcli -D item "Template OS Linux" "Available memory"

Automatic changes apply

Ok, now you know something about zabbixcli, and started store your zabbix config in repo. We all love automation, so it's time to configure automatic changes apply.

You can use zabbixcli-worker as cronjob to run every minute:

$ crontab -e
# Apply changes to zabbix
*/1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/zabbixcli-worker ~/repo/ configs/zabbix/templates/ >> /var/log/zabbixcli-worker 2>&1

That's it. Now as soon as you will merge your changes to master, they will applied to zabbix.

I'd preffer configure sparce-checkout in git to pull only folder with templates (because templates folder was part of saltstack states repo in my case).

I will not detailed describe how to configure sparce-checkout. You can google it. But basicaly you should add in ~/repo/.git/config:

    sparcecheckout = true

and in ~/repo/.git/info/sparce-checkout you should add relative path to dir which you only want to pull:


Creating first template

This is kind of tutorual will help you create your first template and apply it to zabbix.

Describe a template

First we need to create a directory for our template:

$ mkdir "Template MyApp"
$ cd ./"Template MyApp"

Then, we should to create init template file.

Template should be written in yaml format.

When zabbixcli runs it search all *.yaml files in this directory, subdirectories and merge them. So you can specify all setting in one huge init.yaml file, or split it to multiple.

$ cat >> ./init.yaml <<'EOM'
name: "Template MyApp"  # Name of template in Zabbix
  - "Templates"         # All templates should be added to Templates group

This will create "Template MyApp" and add it to group "Templates".

Describe an applications and items

Lets try to add an item to monitoring:

$ mkdir apps
$ cat >> ./apps/myapp.yaml <<'EOM'
  "MyApp":          # Application name
    - name:         "MyApp service running"     # Item name
      key:          "proc.num[,,,myapp]"        # Item key
      description:  |
                    Monitor if MyApp service running or not.

As you can see many of parameters were not specified. All of them have predefined values, if you not specify something, that values will be use.

Also you can specify just needed section and pass an other.

Describe triggers

$ cat >> triggers.yaml <<'EOM'
  -                 # Describe trigger
    name:           "MyApp service is not running on {HOST.NAME}"
    warn_level:     "Warning"
    expression:     "{Template MyApp:proc.num[,,,myapp].last(#1)}=0"

Apply template to zabbix

Now we have next structure:

$ tree ./"Template MyApp"
./Template\ MyApp
├── init.yaml
├── apps
│   └── myapp.yaml
└── triggers.yaml

Which will be compile into (yes, you can define all of these in one file):

name: "Template MyApp"

  - "Templates"

    - name:         "MyApp service running"
      key:          "proc.num[,,,myapp]"
      description:  |
                    Monitor if MyApp service running or not.

    name:           "MyApp service is not running on {HOST.NAME}"
    warn_level:     "Warning"
    expression:     "{Template MyApp:proc.num[,,,myapp].last(#1)}=0"

All you need to do now to apply this template to zabbix is run zabbixcli:

cd ./"Template MyApp" 
zabbixcli -t ./

Create a Role

You can aggregate multiple templates into the Role.

Notice: The Role official not implemented in zabbix, so this kind of template aggregation. It will shows under Roles hostgroup in templates (That's weird that zabbix mix hostgroups with templates! That's driving me crazy.)

Basically Role is just a template with specific tags and linked templates. So lets create it to see what it is:

$ cd ..
$ mkdir "Role MyApp Server"
$ cat >> ./"Role MyApp Server"/init.yaml <<'EOM'
name: "Role MyApp Server"
templates:                # Describe a list of linked templates
  - "Template MyApp"
autoreg:                  # Enable Autoregistration node
  metadata: "my_app_role" # If this metadata is found in zabbix_agent.config
  add_to_group:           # then add discovered host to specifig hostgroup
    - "MyApp Servers"
  - "Roles"               # Put this role to Roles hostgroup

It will do next:

  • Create template "Role MyApp Server"
  • Create "MyApp Servers" hostgroup
  • Add "Role MyApp Server" to hostgroup "Roles"
  • Link "Template MyApp" to "Role MyApp Server"
  • Create AutoRegistration rule:
    • If metadata field in zabbix_agent.conf on host contain: "Role MyApp Server" then add host to "MyApp Servers" group and apply "Role MyApp Server" template on it.

Lets apply it to local zabbix server:

$ zabbixcli -t ./"Role MyApp Server"

Alert targeting

You can target alerts from specific Role to specific user or groups.

    to:             "Email"                     # Media type
    to_group:       "Zabbix administrators"     # Zabbix Group

It will create zabbix action with trigger as an event source:

Name: Alert for "{role name}" Team

Maintenance status not in maintenance
Template = Role Gateway Server
Trigger value = PROBLEM
Trigger severity >= Warning

Send message to user groups: Zabbix administrators via SMS

Default values

zabbixcli have default values for mostly objects, so no need specify exactly every parameter in template. If it's not specified, it will use default value.