Django Stars Backend Skeleton

Django project template based on cookiecutter.

What's included

How to use

Create python virtual environment. We recommend to use pyenv & pyenv-virtualenv:

pyenv install 3.9.5
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.5 my_project
pyenv activate my_project

Install cookiecutter and packaging:

pip install cookiecutter packaging

Step into directory you want to create project and generate project with cookiecutter:

cd /path/to/directory

Answer the questions in wizard.

Steps after project setup

Install tools required to build a dependencies list:

pip install -U fabric invoke pip pip-tools

Compile dependencies list:

fab pip.compile

Install dependencies:

fab pip.sync

Run backing services:

fab compose.up -d

Copy .env file from example file and set your settings:

cp ./api/.env.example ./api/.env

Run migrations:

./api/ migrate

Start building your awesome project!