
A simple chat project that aims to be used as playground for various front-end technologies

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Chat · GitHub license CircleCI

A simple chat project that aims to be used as playground for various front-end technologies (and also as coding challenges 😅)

Each session creates a user in a global chat room.

View it online here


Used technologies


$ yarn install
$ yarn start

Then go to http://localhost:8080


This app uses a OO approach along with the MVC pattern. There is a very basic DI (Dependency Injection) implementation powered by TypeScript decorators (see decorators directory)

The components were built using the WebComponents technology, which makes things more natural when developing custom components for the web.

WebComponents is in a early stage, for this reason there is no support for it yet in testing libraries like jest and cypress. Despite this, this tech seems to have a great future, due to big players (Google) envolved on its specification and its very likely the support will increases in the near future opening the doors for production use.