
Ansible roles to deploy OpsTools for OpenStack

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Deploying Sensu Infrastructure with HA

Ansible playbooks to deploy highly available sensu infrastructure


  • Servers/VMs are pre installed with RHEL 7
  • Servers/VMs are configured with ssh keys and keyless ssh from the ansible host
  • Rabbitmq VMs are configured with keyless ssh between them
  • RHEL 7 yum repos are setup and accessible
  • DNS or hosts files are configured for name resolution(critical for rabbitmq cluster)
  • Firewall ports are opened between target servers being monitored and Sensu infrastructure
  • Firewall ports are opened between uchiwa dashboard and users
  • Local MTA postfix is configured to send emails from sensu servers for alerts

Package versions

Package Version Ports
Redis + Sentinel 3.2.10 TCP 6379/26379
Rabbitmq 3.6.9 TCP 5672/25672/4369
HAproxy 1.5.18 TCP 5670-rabbitmq, 4567-sensu-api, 3000-uchiwa, 8080 stats
Keepalived 1.3.9
Sensu server 1.2.0-1
Sensu clients 0.23.2-3
Sensu API 1.2.0-1 TCP 4567
Uchiwa 1.1.0 TCP 3000

How to run

To run playbooks first update the group_vars/all with environment specific parameters. Then run the playbooks in the playbooks folder to deploy individual components or all at the same time. Each components can be deployed on their own. There are playbooks to deploy as well as remove as this will help in testing.

Following shows deploying just rabbitmq

ansible-playbook playbooks/install_rabbitmq.yaml

To install all the components one at a time,

ansible-playbook playbooks/install_rabbitmq.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_redis.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_sensu_api.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_sensu_server.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_uchiwa.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_haproxy.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_osp_checks_alerts.yaml

To install all components and configure sensu checks and alerts

ansible-playbook playbooks/install_all_sensu.yaml

To configure target hosts for sensu client ,

ansible-playbook playbooks/configure_targets_sensu.yaml

To Do

  • Add https support and LDAP or similar authentication

Deploying Performance monitoring and metrics gathering with Collectd and Prometheus

Ansible playbooks to deploy collectd and prometheus based monitoring solution


See above list for Sensu

Package versions

Package Version Ports
Prometheus 2.0.0 TCP 9090
Collectd exporter 0.3.1 TCP 25826, 9103
Keepalived 1.3.9
Grafana TCP 3000
Prometheus Alert Manager 0.12.0 TCP 6783

How to run

To run playbooks first update the group_vars/all with environment specific parameters. Then run the playbooks in the playbooks folder to deploy individual components or all at the same time. Each components can be deployed on their own. There are playbooks to deploy as well as remove as this will help in testing.

Following shows deploying just grafana

ansible-playbook playbooks/install_grafana.yaml

To install all the components one at a time,

ansible-playbook playbooks/install_collectd_exporter.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_prometheus.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_alert_manager.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_grafana.yaml

To install all components and configure

ansible-playbook playbooks/install_all_prometheus.yaml

To configure target hosts for collectd client ,

ansible-playbook playbooks/configure_targets_collectd.yaml

To Do

  • Add https support and LDAP or similar authentication