
Taxonomy Fields Syncronitzation for Drupal 7

Primary LanguagePHP

Developed by Quiron
Sponsored by Projecte Ictineo (www.projecteictineo.com)

This module is diseigned to solve the incompatibility with taxonomy select widgets and the condigional fiels API in Drupal 7.
It can be used to get a advanced selection widget for a taxonomy and get it working with as dependee field in conditionals

Download it and uncompress into sites/all/modules/
Enable it in the modules page

Define your entity type fields (p.e. content type). Set 2 term reference fields referenced to the same taxonomy that you want to work with.
Set one of them as simple checkbox widget with unlimited options, this will be the slave and the dependee in conditions
Set the other field with a nice widget such as Term Reference Tree;  not tested yet for hierarchical select

Go to its config page in: /admin/config/content/sync_taxo_fields and set the field name for the master and slave
Define your conditions with conditional fields module, use the slave field to set up conditions.
