
Pesarifu is a Data Analysis Application for Financial Transactions

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Pesarifu is an application for conducting data analysis of financial statements, primarily from mobile transactions. Current features include:

  • Data Extraction from PDF Statements into SQL Tables. Supports PDFs from
    • Safaricom (MPesa)
    • Standard Chartered
    • Equity
  • Export transactions to CSV, JSON and Excel files.
  • Report generation using Evidence

See examples/mpesa.pdf for an example statement and examples/'Financial Report by Pesarifu for John Mwangi.pdf' for an example output report produced by the application.

Additional documentation can be found in docs/.



  • clone and cd into repo
  • set your own values for the variables in .env.example and load it into the environment source .env.example
  • ensure the following are defined in pesarifu.config folder
    • In settings.toml
      • CELERY_BROKER_URL - URL for celery broker, expects Redis
      • CELERY_RESULTS_BACKEND - URL for celery results backend, expects Redis can be same as CELERY_BROKER_URL
      • APP_BASE_URL - base web URL that app is deployed
      • STATEMENTS_BASE_DIR - where financial statements are stored after upload
      • EXPORTS_BASE_DIR - where csv/excel etc exports are stored before being sent
    • In .secrets.toml
      • MAIL_USER - email used to send report to user.
      • MAIL_PASSWORD - password for the MAIL_USER email
      • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN - token for Telegram notifications
      • DB_URL - production and development url for accessing DB through SQLAlchemy, expects postgres e.g DB_URL = "postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:@localhost:5432/pesarifu"
  • run poetry install
  • run npm install
  • run alembic to setup the database alembic upgrade head
  • cd into reports/
    • run npm install
  • (optional) run python -m pesarifu.db.seed to seed the database with some example data for a report.


  • Make sure redis and postgres are running
  • Use just celery-run to start celery workers
  • Use just app-run to start the web app
  • Use just reports-serve to start the evidence report back-end