Improved sampling via learned diffusions (ICLR2024) and an optimal control perspective on diffusion-based generative modeling (TMLR2024)
- 2019mohamedProteinea
- AptronymistAny that will have me
- aqlkzfThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- bw-parkKAIST
- Chwes
- claCaseTreviso, Italy
- cobalaminCFEL & University of Hamburg @sp-uhh
- DenisBless
- dmarxCoreWeave, EleutherAI
- Doctor-batsyIbn Tofail University
- GlanceyesKAIST AI
- jarridrb
- jiachenleiShanghai China
- luisoalahead of machine learning @dotphoton-ag
- mavenlinSea AI Lab
- mayiran1999College of Control Science and Engineering, ZJU
- msnishanth9001F5
- PascalJDPurdue
- PaulLyonel
- radarFudanNUS
- rishistypingParis, FR
- RLuke22Mila
- Sancran19Forschungszentrum GmbH
- ShreJais
- Siddharth-Shrivastava7IIT Hyderabad
- Siyu96
- sourav-roniMadison
- szk123456789Peking University
- williwilliams3
- xkey-
- yangyscCUHK-Shenzhen
- YecanLeeLudwig Maximilian University of Munich
- yuanqiduCornell University
- YuX-Ren
- ZichenLiu1999Peking University