
High-resolution timer class for NodeJs & browsers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


High-resolution timer class

Implements timestamps processing in a handy simple way

  * ProcessTimer {
  *     VERSION : '1.0.2',
  *     nsec : [Getter],
  *     usec : [Getter],
  *     msec : [Getter],
  *     sec : [Getter]
  *     ns : [Getter],
  *     us : [Getter],
  *     ms : [Getter],
  *     s : [Getter]
  * }

Designed to cover any version of NodeJs & almost any browser being in use nowadays

Utilizes process.hrtime method if available (NodeJs v0.7.6 & above), falls back to performance.now if available (modern browsers), in turn falls back to Date.now (legacy browsers & NodeJs v0.7.5 & below)



npm install process-timer

A browser

Obtain from

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/process-timer@1/process-timer.min.js" async></script>



const ProcessTimer = require('process-timer')
const timer = new ProcessTimer()

A browser

var timer = new ProcessTimer()

Retrieving a timestamp

 * A number of seconds (accurate to nanoseconds) 
 * elapsed since a timer has been instantiated

 * A number of seconds (accurate to microseconds) 
 * elapsed since a timer has been instantiated

 * A number of seconds (accurate to milliseconds) 
 * elapsed since a timer has been instantiated

 * A number of seconds elapsed since a timer 
 * has been instantiated

 * A number of nanoseconds elapsed since a timer 
 * has been instantiated

 * A number of microseconds elapsed since a timer 
 * has been instantiated

 * A number of milliseconds elapsed since a timer 
 * has been instantiated

 * A number of seconds elapsed since a timer 
 * has been instantiated


The most common use case

const ProcessTimer = require('process-timer')
 * Launching a timer
const timer = new ProcessTimer()

try {
     * … processing …

     * Retrieving a number of seconds (accurate to microseconds) to note the milestone
     console.log('Code block of Subroutine #14 has been reached on %s sec', timer.us)

     * Subroutine #14
    if (['-?', '-h', '--help', '--usage'].includes(process.argv[2])) {
         * Launching another timer inside the subroutine
        const subroutineTimer = new ProcessTimer()

          * … processing …

          * Retrieving a number of seconds (accurate to microseconds) to note
          * the completion of subroutine
         console.log('Subroutine #14 time: %s sec', subroutineTimer.us)

    * … processing …

    * Retrieving a number of seconds (accurate to microseconds)
    * to note the completion
    console.log('Total time: %s sec', timer.us)
} catch (error) {
     * Retrieving a number of seconds (accurate to nanoseconds)  
     * elapsed before a failure
    console.error('Crashed on %s sec\n%s', timer.ns, error.stack)

Retrieving a number of nanoseconds / microseconds / milliseconds / seconds per se

const ProcessTimer = require('process-timer')
const timer = new ProcessTimer()

try {
     * … processing …

     * Retrieving a number of microseconds to note a milestone
    console.log('Got here after %s μs', timer.usec)

     * … processing …

     * Retrieving a number of seconds along w/ a number of millisecond
     * to note the completion
    console.log('Total time: %s sec (%s ms)', timer.sec, timer.msec)    
} catch (error) {
     * Retrieving a number of nanoseconds elapsed before a failure
    console.error('Crashed on %s ns\n%s', timer.nsec, error.stack)

The constructor accepts a text suffix to append an outcome of timer.ns, timer.us, timer.ms & timer.s (needless to say this suffix turns the type of outcome of these getters from Number into String)

const ProcessTimer = require('process-timer')
const timer = new ProcessTimer('s')

setTimeout(() => {
    const milestone = timer.us
     * Expected output:
     * 'string'
     * '8.008321s'
    console.log(typeof milestone)
}, 8000)

Hint: one can pass an empty suffix to the constructor to force the type of outcome of the above quadruplet to become String w/ no appendix

const ProcessTimer = require('process-timer')
const timer = new ProcessTimer('')

setTimeout(() => {
    const milestone = timer.us 
     * Expected output:
     * 'string'
     * '8.008321'
    console.log(typeof milestone)
}, 8000)


If you have faced some bug, please follow this link to create the issue & thanks for your time & contribution in advance!

glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦

Juliy V. Chirkov, twitter.com/juliychirkov