
An experimental Android project to play around with location services, geofencing, maps, sqlite, content provider and backend server integration.

Primary LanguageJava



An experimental Android project to play around with location services, geofencing, maps, sqlite, content provider and backend server integration.

Related Project: https://github.com/alanwgeorge/bloodhound-gps-backend

##Tech Employed

  • ContentProvider: access to location and geofence info
  • SQLite: persist locations and geofences
  • LocationServices.FusedLocationApi: obtain location information
  • LocationServices.GeofencingApi: register/unregister geofences
  • GoogleMap and SupportMapFragment: display location, location diffs, and create/edit geofences
  • ListView and CursorAdaptor: viewing location and location diff info
  • Gson: Marshal data to and from server


GeoFence add/edit screen. Picker on bottom right adjusts the fence radius.

geofence edit

Location list. Tap location to see location on a map.

location list

Location diff list. Tap location diff to see both starting and ending locations on a map.

location diff list

Location diff map.

location diff list