
:a: Ansible role for initial install of the mailcow groupware server on Debian 9 or RancherOS

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Ansible role for an initial install of the mailcow mailserver and groupware

  • installs Docker and docker-compose
  • installs and configures mailcow-dockerized
  • option to install RainLoop Webmail
  • option to install NextCloud
  • option to add mailserver firewall rules
  • option to add a backup cron job

Details and documentation:


  • Debian 9 Stretch or Debian 10 Buster
  • or RancherOS with Alpine console
  • 1.5 to 2 GB RAM


  • mailcow: dockerized requires some ports to be open for incoming connections, so make sure that your firewall is not blocking these.

  • Make sure that no other application is interferring with mailcow's configuration, such as another mail service

  • A correct DNS setup is crucial to every good mailserver setup, so please make sure you got at least the basics covered before you begin!

  • Make sure that your system has a correct date and time setup. This is crucial for stuff like two factor TOTP authentication.

  • Prerequisites: https://mailcow.github.io/mailcow-dockerized-docs/prerequesite-system/

  • DNS: https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow/wiki/DNS-records

Moving IMAP mail from other servers

Role Variables

At a minimum set your Server IP, Fully Qualified Domain Name and Timezone in defaults/main.yml

Example hosts

OnDebian    ansible_host=mail.example.org
OnRancherOS ansible_ssh_host=mail.example.com ansible_ssh_user=rancher ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3

Example mailcow playbook

- hosts: servers
  user: root
  become: True
     - ansible-mailcow
  • For Debian or RancherOS: ansible-playbook -v mailcow.yml



Author Information

Christian Wagner