Originally created by: stas-demydiuk/mirobot-miio-server (https://github.com/stas-demydiuk/mirobot-miio-server)
Docker container with server for domoticz-mirobot-plugin.
Tested on a Raspberry Pi 4.
Compile docker image
Login to the Raspberry Pi 4 with Putty (https://www.putty.org/) for example
cd ~
git pull https://github.com/Wizzard72/mirobot-miio-server
cd mirobot-miio-server
sudo docker build -t miio-mirobot .
The build command takes some time.
Run container
docker run -d -p 22222:22222 -e "ROBOT_IP=<your robot ip>" -e "ROBOT_TOKEN=<your robot token>" --name=<container name> mirobot-miio-server
22222 can be another port (you change -p 22222:22222
to -p 3000:22222
to have 3000 out of the container for example).
You can get the token of your device using this extractor
Create docker compose config file:
cd /opt
sudo mkdir miio-server
cd miio-server
sudo nano docker-compose.yml
Paste this file in docker-compose.yml:
version: '3'
image: miio-mirobot:latest
container_name: miio-mirobot
- ROBOT_IP=<your robot ip>
- ROBOT_TOKEN=<your robot token>
- "22222:22222"
restart: always
Write the docker-compose.yml to disk:
ctrl x
Start the containter:
sudo docker-compose up -d
Check containter log
sudo docker-compose logs -f
Log looks like this:
miio-mirobot | server: got socket msg: ['status']
miio-mirobot | server: vac result {'error': None, 'state_code': 8, 'battery': 100, 'fan_level': 102, 'clean_seconds': 14, 'clean_area': 0.155, 'cmd': 'status'}
Which basically just require:
cd ~/domoticz/plugins
git clone https://github.com/Wizzard72/mirobot-miio-server
cd domoticz-mirobot-plugin
pip3 install msgpack-python
sudo systemctl stop domoticz.service
sudo systemctl start domoticz.service
Domoticz Hardware Setup:
Login to Domoticz Go to the Hardware Page