
Example of a multi-tenant application

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project demonstrates an approach to the creation of a multi-tenant CUBA application.


Let’s suppose that our CUBA application should be used by several clients:

  • There are two types of entities in the application:
    • Shared entities that are available for all clients (typically they represent some reference data). In this project, it is the PaymentMethod entity.
    • Client entities - their instances belong to one certain client. In this project, these are Customer and Order entities.
  • Client's users can see only their client entities.
  • There is a predefined set of client's user roles:
    • Admins can create users within their client and assign available roles to them. Admins do not see other clients and their users.
    • Regular users can only work with data.


Open the project in CUBA Studio, execute Run > Create database, then Run > Start application server and open the application at http://localhost:8080/app.

  • Log in as admin / admin. This account gives the full access to the application and does not belong to any client.

    First, open the Administration > Access Group screen.

    The groups under the Clients group represent clients. Each of the client groups has a unique session attribute called client_id. This ID will be used to separate client entities.

    Open the Constraints tab for the Clients group. It contains restrictions that will be applied when reading entities by users located in the client's groups. All client entities (Customer and Group in this project) should have the constraint with the following where clause: {E}.client = :session$client_id. Security-related entities have special restrictions to satisfy requirements of having client admins that are able to manage their own users.

    The admin user can create only PaymentType entities shared between clients. If you try to create a client-specific entity like Customer, you will get an exception.

  • Log in as stark / 1. This is an admin of the Stark Industries client. You can create customers and orders, as well as create users for your client and assign the roles client_admin or client_user to them.

  • Log in as potts / 1. This is a user of the Stark Industries client. You can see and manage the customers and orders created by stark, but you cannot create new users.

  • Log in as dent / 1. This is an admin of the Sirius Cybernetics Corp. client. You can create users, customers and orders, but you don't see entities created by the Stark Industries users.

Implementation Details

  1. The StandardClientEntity entity is a @MappedSuperlass and serves as a base class for all client entities. It has the client attribute which is populated from the client_id user session attribute when an instance is created (see the init() method annotated with @PostConstruct).

  2. The Users role is marked as default and should be assigned to all client users. It restricts access to security screens and does not allow client admins to modify existing roles.

  3. The AppLifecycle bean registers additional entity listener for the User entity. The listener ensures that default roles (including Users) are assigned to new users.

  4. Due to the constraint for sec$Role entity assigned to the Clients group, client users see only roles with names starting with client_. That is they do not see Administrators and Users roles.

Based on CUBA Platform 6.10.1


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