
A data structures study on cleaning, detecting gaps and calculating averages and regressions for hydrometric data.

Primary LanguageC++


An application for data cleaning, gap detection and acquiring averages and linear regression calculations, specifically based on the data structures found in the National Water Agency's public systems.

Aplicação para limpeza de dados, detecção de lacunas, obtenção de médias e regressões lineares. Baseada especificamente para as estruturas de dados encontradas nos sistemas públicos da Agência Nacional das Águas.

Compiling from source

CMake version 3.0 or higher is needed in order to compile.

  1. Download or clone this repository to your machine. The directory where you place the contents of this repository, where the file CMakeLists.txt as well as this README.md file are, will be your source directory.
  2. Create a destination directory for the compiled files. This is your build directory and can be anywhere you want.
  3. In a terminal, execute the following command from the build directory:
cmake path/to/source/directory

Replace path/to/source/directory with the full path to the source directory.

This should produce several files in the build directory.

  1. Run your preferred build tool to build the program. On Windows you can use CMake itself:
cmake --build .

Notice there is a . dot character after --build.

On Linux you can use either CMake or just make.

The final output should be something like "[100%] Built target clana". Once you see that, you are done and should have an executable file named clana in the build directory you just created.

Prototype developed for the Data Structures course, part of the Systems Analysis and Development program offered at the Federal Institute of São Paulo, Jacareí campus.

Protótipo desenvolvido para a disciplina de Estrutura de Dados, curso de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas do Instituto Federal de São Paulo, campus Jacareí.