Toolkits to test replication
bitest offset
➜ bitest git:(master) ✗ ./bitest offset -h
validate the correctness of auto_increment_increment & auto_increment_offset by:
1, create a table:
create table auto1(id bigint primary key auto_increment, uk bigint unique key, v bigint);
2, insert n rows with specified increment and offset setted while global or session, then validate the
auto generated column id.
3, check the return value of the flowing query must equal n.
("select count(*) from auto1 where (id - %d) %% %d = 0", offset, increment)
bitest offset [flags]
-h, --help help for offset
--host string host of db (default "")
--increment int the value of auto_increment_increment (default 2)
--n int how many rows to fill the table (default 10000)
--offset int the value of auto_increment_offset (default 1)
--p int max open connection to insert concurrently (default 16)
--port int port of db (default 4000)
--psw string password of db
--session set the variable by session or not (default true)
--user string user of db (default "root")
bitest dml
➜ bitest git:(master) ✗ ./bitest dml -h
Test correctness of db1 <-> db2 dml replication
Will run all DDL in db1 and let it replicate ddl to db2, so *sync-ddl* should be false in db2.
1, create a table:
create table auto1(id bigint primary key auto_increment, uk bigint unique key, v bigint);
2, insert n rows with specified increment and offset setted while global or session in both db1 and db2, then check data equal between db1 and db2.
3, try at most op-number random insert/update/delete in both db1 and db2, then check data equal between db1 and db2.
if loop is true will run again and again unless meet some error.
bitest dml [flags]
-h, --help help for dml
--host string host of db (default "")
--host2 string host of db (default "")
--loop run test in loop only quit if meet error
--n int how many rows fill up table (default 10000)
--op-number int random number of Insert/Update/delete after filling n rows (default 10000)
--p int max open connection to db concurrently (default 16)
--port int port of db (default 4000)
--port2 int port of db (default 5000)
--psw string password of db
--psw2 string password of db
--session set the variable by session or not (default true)
--user string user of db (default "root")
--user2 string user of db (default "root")
bitest ddl
➜ bitest git:(master) ✗ ./bitest ddl -h
test some DDL and DML currently and data still consistent finally.
will add/drop/change column now
bitest ddl [flags]
-h, --help help for ddl
--host string host of db (default "")
--host2 string host of db (default "")
--p int max open connection to db concurrently (default 16)
--port int port of db (default 4000)
--port2 int port of db (default 5000)
--psw string password of db
--psw2 string password of db
--session set the variable by session or not (default true)
--user string user of db (default "root")
--user2 string user of db (default "root")