
push v2ray on ibm cloudfoundry

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# v2ray-cloudfoundry

push v2ray on ibm cloudfoundry


//open ibm shell

git clone https://github.com/july929/v2ray-cloudfoundry.git

cd v2ray-cloudfoundry/v2ray

chmod +x *

//you can edit config.json as you want

cd ..

//edit manifest.yml


- path: .

  name: V2ray//change this name to your cloudfoundry name

  random-route: true

  memory: 256M//change memory to 64M,128M,256M

ibmcloud target --cf

ibmcloud cf install

ibmcloud cf push

//waiting cloudfoundry restart success!



git clone https://github.com/july929/v2ray-cloudfoundry.git

cd v2ray-cloudfoundry/v2ray

chmod +x *

//你可以自定义修改v2ray的配置文件 config.json

cd ..

这里要自己去修改 manifest.yml文件


- path: .

  name: V2ray//这里改成你的容器的名称

  random-route: true

  memory: 256M//这里改成你的容器的内存

ibmcloud target --cf

ibmcloud cf install

ibmcloud cf push

//等待cloud foundry重启成功!