
How to reproduce and solve a problem, tested very useful.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

How to do anything.


# show abnormal tracked files
git ls-files | grep -v '\.md$' | grep -v '\.md"$'
# list recent updated files (but ordered by name)
git diff --name-only HEAD~100..HEAD

Contributions are welcomed

Feel free to add new articles in this repo.

If you meet problems on editing or pushing, please open an issue.


  • Easy to write new articles and synchronize.
  • Git provides article histories.
  • Plain text which is easy to search, has very few redundant informaiton.
  • File & directories structure, familiar and easy to expand.

How to make use of this repo

  • Search by browsing files, or IDE search engines, or command line tools like grep and find.
    • Use autojump to locate directories by recent accessed paths.
    • Use fzf.fish to find articles smoothly.
    • Alternative: mfa fish shell tools. See mfa.fish.
  • Articles may be written in non-english language. Use Google Translate then, most of the time it's useful.
  • Create new articles freely if you think this can help people. Try not to provide confusing information.

To do

  • Better commit message by fish shell script.
  • Smart content search engine. jd and jst gf.
  • Integrate to mfa.fish.
  • Website for this repo.
  • Identify language and location of an article.


  • List the links. For respect to the author and reference.

Don't do

  • Spending too much time answering or editing questions that relies largely on proficiency.

File Suffixes

  • .1.md: Don't know how, this is a question.
  • .todo.md: Knowing how, but not written yet.
  • .old.md: Should be removed cuz too old.

Types of answers

  • 使用某种工具过程中,出现了报错 / 意外,如何解决?
    • 例:打开 neovim 出现了带有 E303 关键字的错误,通常是因为什么?如何解决?
  • 遭遇某种需求,知道存在一种工具,如何安装和使用这种工具?是否已存在更先进工具 / 替代工具?
    • 例:需要强制命令行走代理,知道 proxychains 工具可能解决此需求,问该工具是否兼容 macos?如何安装和使用,安装和使用中可能会遇到什么问题?
    • 例:在 Ubuntu 中希望更好的终端,知道 konsole 工具,问如何安装、配置和使用该工具?

Information needed for judging reliability

  • 文章语言 (Language)
  • 作者和联系方式(用于追问) - 自动生成
  • 作者假定读者知道什么知识。(例如:矩阵乘法, 熟练掌握傅里叶分析, brew)
  • 信息来源:是第一手找到解决方案,还是在 StackOverflow 等地找到其他人解决方案,并在本人环境验证其可行?
  • 如何复现?环境:操作系统以及版本,实践日期,uname -a,gcc 等软件版本
  • 验证者 testers 和验证次数,包括原作者的使用次数。
  • 评论者。
  • 作者评估,该文章有多高可信度?

Which answers are needed

  • 网站 SSL 证书过期,如何重新申请并配置新 SSL 证书?这种问题容易忘记,而写一篇文章可以很好规避再次犯错。

Which answers are not needed

  • 课堂笔记类。有些问题极大程度上依靠熟练度解决,本仓库不应该花时间回答这类问题。
  • 有对应的具体文档的系统内容。例如 iPadOS 如何关闭检测 Mac 的鼠标和键盘。这些问题有官方的系统的文档,不应该花时间重新写一份,导致抢占官方文档的地位。