
Move to the base directory

cd [git checkout directory]

Update bootstrap data (optional)

Only if a change is needed in the initial content. It is possible to dump the data that was manually created and make it a fixture. This involves opening a shell in the running container (docker exec -ti ateliersoude-django bash), cd'ing to the /ateliersoude directory and running ./ Look at the quotation/fixtures/quotation/README.txt file for more.

Build the application and run it

  • Before the initial build, run a full db rebuild (drops all DB content), also use this to wipe out the DB when needed:

    ./ rebuild_db

  • Rebuild application, collect static files, and start the gunicorn (production) server, keeping the DB intact:

    ./ rebuild

  • Reload the application (for gunicorn, in cases of minor code changes, faster):

    ./ reload

  • Start the auto-reloading development server (preferred way for development, all changed files are taken into account instantly):

    ./ dev

Note the build + run command will create docker containers and launch them, so a running docker daemon is needed.


  • For the dev server, the default is 8001 on all interfaces
  • For the gunicorn server, the default is 8000 on all interfaces

The exposed port is configurable as the 2nd argument to the command, example:

./ dev will start the dev server on port 8000, accessible only on localhost. Same thing for gunicorn


Having the logs displayed to STDOUT is done with docker logs -f ateliersoude-django except for the dev server where they're displayed by default (container isn't detached)

Get into the containers

  • Application: docker exec -ti ateliersoude-django bash
  • Database: docker exec -ti ateliersoude-postgres bash