
Learning WebStatic via project

Primary LanguagePython

HBNB - The Console

This repository contains the initial stage of a student project to build a clone of the AirBnB website. This stage implements a backend interface, or console, to manage program data. Console commands allow the user to create, update, and destroy objects, as well as manage file storage. Using a system of JSON serialization/deserialization, storage is persistent between sessions.

Author: Michelle Juma

Repository Contents by Project Task

Tasks Files Description
0: Authors/README File AUTHORS Project authors
1: Pep8 N/A All code is pep8 compliant
2: Unit Testing /tests All class-defining modules are unittested
3. Make BaseModel /models/base_model.py Defines a parent class to be inherited by all model classes
4. Update BaseModel w/ kwargs /models/base_model.py Add functionality to recreate an instance of a class from a dictionary representation
5. Create FileStorage class /models/engine/file_storage.py /models/_ init _.py /models/base_model.py Defines a class to manage persistent file storage system
6. Console 0.0.1 console.py Add basic functionality to console program, allowing it to quit, handle empty lines and ^D
7. Console 0.1 console.py Update the console with methods allowing the user to create, destroy, show, and update stored data
8. Create User class console.py /models/engine/file_storage.py /models/user.py Dynamically implements a user class
9. More Classes /models/user.py /models/place.py /models/city.py /models/amenity.py /models/state.py /models/review.py Dynamically implements more classes
10. Console 1.0 console.py /models/engine/file_storage.py Update the console and file storage system to work dynamically with all classes update file storage

General Use

  1. First clone this repository.

  2. Once the repository is cloned locate the "console.py" file and run it as follows:

/AirBnB_clone$ ./console.py
  1. When this command is run the following prompt should appear:
  1. This prompt designates you are in the "HBnB" console. There are a variety of commands available within the console program.
  • create - Creates an instance based on given class

  • destroy - Destroys an object based on class and UUID

  • show - Shows an object based on class and UUID

  • all - Shows all objects the program has access to, or all objects of a given class

  • update - Updates existing attributes an object based on class name and UUID

  • quit - Exits the program (EOF will as well)

Alternative Syntax

Users are able to issue a number of console command using an alternative syntax:

Usage: <class_name>.([[name_arg value_arg]|[kwargs]]) Advanced syntax is implemented for the following commands:

  • all - Shows all objects the program has access to, or all objects of a given class

  • count - Return number of object intances by class

s * show - Shows an object based on class and UUID

  • destroy - Destroys an object based on class and UUID

  • update - Updates existing attributes an object based on class name and UUID


Primary Command Synax

Exampl 0: Create aten object

Usage: create <class_name>

(hbnb) create BaseModel
(hbnb) create BaseModel
Example 1: Show an object


(hbnb)showBaseMo     del 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8
[BaseModel] (3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8) {'id': '3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 21, 12, 96959),
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 21, 12, 96971)}
Example 2: Destroy an object

Usage: destroy <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) destroy BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8
(hbnb) show BaseMoel 3aa5babc-defb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8
** no instance found **
Example 3: Update an object

Usage: update <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) update BaseModel b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f first_name "person"
(hbnb) show BaseModel b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f
[BaseModel] (b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f) {'id': 'b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 33, 45, 72889),
'update9d_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 33, 45, 729907), 'first_name': 'person'}

Alternative Syntax

Example 0: Show all User objects

Usage: <class_name>.all()

(hbnb) User.all()
["[User] (99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 34, 92071), 'id': '99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571', 'created_at': datetime.dateti128115bme(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 34, 92056)}", "[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'i': '98be5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'cdareated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]
Example 1: Destroy a User

Usage: <class_name>.destroy(<_id>)

(hbnb) User.destroy("99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b")
(hbnb) User.all()
(hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]
Example 2: Update User (by attribute)

Usage: <class_name>.update(<_id>, <attribute_name>, <attribute_value>)

(hbnb) User.update("98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30", name "Todd he Toad")
(hbnb) Use.all()
(hbnb)tr ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'name': 'Todd the Toad', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 4437, 29, 1343)}"]
Example 3: Update User (by dictionary)

Usage: <class_name>.update(<_id>, )

(hbnb) User.update("98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30", {'name': 'Fred the Frog', 'age': 9})
(hbnb) User.all()
(hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'name': 'Fred the Frog', 'age': 9, 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

HBNB - The Console

This repository contains the initial stage of a student project to build a clone of the AirBnB website. This stage implements a backend interface, or console, to manage program data. Console commandsallw the useto reate, update, and destry or coobjects, as well as manage file storage. Using a system of JSON serialization/deserialization, storage is persistent between sessions.

Author: Mercy Akinwunmi and Bamidele Adefolaju

Repository Contents by Project Task

Tasks Files Description
0: Authors/README File AUTHORS Project authors
1: Pep8 N/A All code is pep8 compliant
2: Unit Testing /tests All class-defining me/odules are unittested
3. Make BaseModel /models/base_model.py odDefines a parent class to be inherited by all model classes
4. Update BaseModel w/ kwargs /models/base_model.py Al dd functionality to recreate an instance of a class from a dictionary representation
5. Create FileStorage class /models/engine/file_storage.py /models/_ init _.py /models/base_model.py Defines nBclone/blob/dev/models/__a class to manage persistent file storage system
6. Console 0.0.1 console.py Add basic functionality to console program, allowing it to quit, handle empty lines and ^D
7. Console 0.1 console.py Update the console with methods allowing the user to create, destroy, show, and update stored data
8. Create User class console.py /models/engine/file_storage.py /models/user.py Dynamically implements a user cl/ass
9. More Classes /models/user.py models/place.py /models/city.py /models/menity.py /models/state.py /models/review.py Dynamically implements more classes
10. Console 1.0 console.py /models/engine/file_storage.py Update the console and file storage system to work dynamically with all classes update file storage

General Use

  1. First clone this repository.

  2. Once the repository is loned locte the "consoe.py" fie and run callit as follows:

/AirBnB_clone$ ./console.py
  1. When this command is run the following prompt should appear:
  1. This prompt designates you are in the "HBnB" console. There are a variety of commands available within the console program.
  • create - Creates an istnce based on given class

  • desroy - Dtnatesroys an object based on class and UUID

  • show - Shows an object based on class and UUID

  • all - Shows all objects the program has access to, or all objects of a given class

  • update - Updtes existing attributes an object based on casals name and UUID

  • quit - Exits the program (EOF will as well)

Alternative Syntax

Users re abe to issue a number of consoecommand usinall g an alternative syntax:

Usage: <class_name>.([[name_arg value_arg]|[kwargs]]) Advanced syntax is implemented for the following commands:

  • all - Shows all objects the progra hasm access to, or all objects of a given class

  • count - Return number of object instances by class

  • show - Shows an object based on class and UUID

  • destroy - Destroys an object based on class and UUID

  • update - Updates existing attributes an object based on class name and UUID


Primary Command Syntax

Example 0: Create an oject

Usage: ceate <class_name``` (hbnb) crebr> ate BaseModel

(hbnb) create BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8 (hbnb)

###### Example 1: Show an object
Usage: show <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) show BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8 [BaseModel] (3aa5babc-fb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8) {'id''e: 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 21, 12, 96959), 'updatd_at'datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, e: 14, 21, 12, 96971)} (hbnb)

###### Example 2: Destroy an object
Usage: destroy <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) destroy BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8 (hbnb)show BaseModel 3aa5babc- efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8 ** no instance found ** (hbnb)

###### Example 3: Update an object
Usage: update <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) update BaseModel b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f first_name "person"(hbnb) show BaseModel b405fc64- 9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f [BaseModel] (b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f) {'id': 'b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 33, 45, 729889), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 33, 45, 729907), 'first_name': 'person'} (hbnb)

<h3>Alternative Syntax</h3>

###### Example 0: Show all User objects
Usage: <class_name>.all()

(hbnb) User.all() ["[User] (99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 34, 92071), 'id': '99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 34, 92056)}", "[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29134343)}"]

###### Example 1: Destroy a U, ser
Usage: <class_name>.destroy(<_id>)

(hbnb) User.destroy("99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b") (hbnb) (hbnb) User.all() (hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea', 'cre5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30ated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

###### Example 2: Update User (by attribute)
Usage: <class_name>.update(<_id>, <attribute_name>, <attribute_value>)

(hbnb) User.update("98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30", name "Todd the Toad") (hbnb) (hbnb) User.all() (hbnb) ["Usr {e 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'name': 'Todd the Toad', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

###### Example 3: Update User (by dictionary)
Usage: <class_name>.update(<_id>, <dictionary>)

(hbnb) User.update("98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30", {'name': 'Fred the Frog', 'age': 9}) (hbnb) (hbnb) User.all() (hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'name': 'Fred the Frog', 'age': 9, 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

<br><center> <h1>HBNB - The Console</h1> </center>

This repository contains the initial stage of a student project to build a clone of the AirBnB website. This stage implements a backend interface, or console, to manage program data. Console commands allow the user to create, update, and destroy objects, as well as manage file storage. Using a system of JSON serialization/deserialization, storage is persistent between sessions.

##### Author: Mercy Akinwunmi and Bamidele Adefolaju

<center><h3>Repository Contents by Project Task</h3> </center>

| Tasks | Files | Description |
| ----- | ----- | ------ |
| 0: Authors/README File | [AUTHORS](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/AUTHORS) | Project authors |
| 1: Pep8 | N/A | All code is pep8 compliant|
| 2: Unit Testing | [/tests](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/tree/dev/tests) | All class-defining modules are unittested |
| 3. Make BaseModel | [/models/base_model.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/base_model.py) | Defines a parent class to be inherited by all model classes|
| 4. Update BaseModel w/ kwargs | [/models/base_model.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/base_model.py) | Add functionality to recreate an instance of a class from a dictionary representation|
| 5. Create FileStorage class | [/models/engine/file_storage.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/engine/file_storage.py) [/models/_ _init_ _.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/__init__.py) [/models/base_model.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/base_model.py) | Defines a class to manage persistent file storage system|
| 6. Console 0.0.1 | [console.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/console.py) | Add basic functionality to console program, allowing it to quit, handle empty lines and ^D |
| 7. Console 0.1 | [console.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/console.py) | Update the console with methods allowing the user to create, destroy, show, and update stored data |
| 8. Create User class | [console.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/console.py) [/models/engine/file_storage.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/engine/file_storage.py) [/models/user.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/user.py) | Dynamically implements a user class |
| 9. More Classes | [/models/user.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/user.py) [/models/place.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/place.py) [/models/city.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/city.py) [/models/amenity.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/amenity.py) [/models/state.py](https://github.om/justinmajeticch/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/state.py) [/models/review.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/review.py) | Dynamically implemets mor classes |
| 10. Console 1.0 | [console.pney](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/console.py) [/models/engine/file_storage.py](https://github.com/juma-h/AirBnB_clone/blob/dev/models/engine/file_storage.) | Update pythe console and file storage system to work dynamically with all  classes update file storage |
<center> <h2>General Use</h2> </center>

1. First clone this repository.

3. Once the repository is cloned locate the "console.py" file and run it as follows:

/AirBnB_clone$ ./console.py

4. When this command is run the following prompt should appear:


5. This prompt designates you are in the "HBnB" console. There are a variety of commands available within the console program.

##### Commands
* create - Creates an instance based on given class

* destroy - Destroys an object based on class and UUID

* show - Shows an object based on class and UUID

* all - Shows all objects the program has access to, or all objects of a given class

* update - Updates existing attributes an object based on class name and UUID

* quit - Exits the program (EOF will as well)

##### Alternative Syntax
Users are able to issue a number of console command using an alternative syntax:

Usage: <class_name>.<command>([<id>[name_arg value_arg]|[kwargs]])
Advanced syntax is implemented for the following commands:

* all - Shows all objects the program has access to, or all objects of a given class

* count - Return number of object instances by class

* show - Shows an object based on class and UUID

* destroy - Destroys an object based on class and UUID

* update - Updates existing attributes an object based on class name and UUID

<center> <h2>Examples</h2> </center>
<h3>Primary Command Syntax</h3>

###### Example 0: Create an object
Usage: create <class_name>

(hbnb) create BaseModel

(hbnb) create BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8 (hbnb)

###### Example 1: Show an object
Usage: show <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) show BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8 [BaseModel] (3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8) {'id': '3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 21, 12, 96959), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 21, 12, 96971)} (hbnb)

###### Example 2: Destroy an object
Usage: destroy <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) destroy BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8 (hbnb) show BaseModel 3aa5babc-efb6-4041-bfe9-3cc9727588f8 ** no instance found ** (hbnb)

###### Example 3: Update an object
Usage: update <class_name> <_id>

(hbnb) update BaseModel b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f first_name "person" (hbnb) show BaseModel b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f [BaseModel] (b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f) {'id': 'b405fc64-9724-498f-b405-e4071c3d857f', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 33, 45, 729889), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 18, 14, 33, 45, 729907), 'first_name': 'person'} (hbnb)

<h3>Alternative Syntax</h3>

###### Example 0: Show all User objects
Usage: <class_name>.all()

(hbnb) User.all() ["[User] (99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 34, 92071), 'id': '99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 34, 92056)}", "[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

###### Example 1: Destroy a User
Usage: <class_name>.destroy(<_id>)

(hbnb) User.destroy("99f45908-1d17-46d1-9dd2-b7571128115b") (hbnb) (hbnb) User.all() (hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

###### Example 2: Update User (by attribute)
Usage: <class_name>.update(<_id>, <attribute_name>, <attribute_value>)

(hbnb) User.update("98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30", name "Todd the Toad") (hbnb) (hbnb) User.all() (hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'name': 'Todd the Toad', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"]

###### Example 3: Update User (by dictionary)
Usage: <class_name>.update(<_id>, <dictionary>)

(hbnb) User.update("98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30", {'name': 'Fred the Frog', 'age': 9}) (hbnb) (hbnb) User.all() (hbnb) ["[User] (98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134362), 'name': 'Fred the Frog', 'age': 9, 'id': '98bea5de-9cb0-4d78-8a9d-c4de03521c30', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 21, 47, 29, 134343)}"] ```