I wanted to work on a project with more logic to test my JavaScript skills so came up with this idea of modelling an elevator system. Here's how it works:
There are two elevators in a block of flats for this system.
The left one can only travel between the ground floor and the top floor.
The right one however can travel from the underground carpark (-1) to all the other floors.
Whenever a user presses the 'call' button on their floor, whichever elevator is closest will arrive at that floor.
If both lifts are equally close/far away, the right one will arrive (since this one can travel to more floors).
Depending on which elevator arrives, the user is then presented with lift controls which reflect the floors which the elevator can reach.
The user can then select which floor they want to travel to and the elevator will take them there.
If a user presses the 'call' button while there is already a lift at their floor, they will recieve feedback via an alert.
If a user tries to travel to a floor which they are already on, they will again recieve feedback via an alert.