
A fun interpreter inspired by Brainfuck made in java

Primary LanguageJava


A fun interpreter inspired by Brainfuck made in java


Captl works by using letters and symbols as tokens. It also uses Capitalisation for more tokens. It uses a simple byte memory system for operations like Brainfuck.


The token syntax is as Simple as in Brainfuck, but some tokens have arguments

  • H - Highers the current byte by 1
  • h - Lowers the current byte by 1
  • p - Prints the current byte as ascii character
  • P - Prints all bytes in memory as ascii character
  • N - Switches to the next memory cell
  • n - Switches to the previous memory cell
  • i - Takes the next char from input and puts into the current cell
  • I - Takes the next line from input and puts into the memory
  • e - Empties the byte buffer
  • E - Empties the current memory cell
  • V[variable identifier] - V saves the current memory cell into the given variable
  • ; - Starts or ends a comment
  • A<number/variable> - Adds the following number to the current cell
  • D<number/variable> - Subtracts the following number from the cell
  • d"<string>" - Decodes a String into memory
  • r<number/variable><token> - Repeats the token times the given number
  • R<number/variable> - Sets the recursion_number pointer to the given number
  • [ - Enters the while(block != recursion number) loop
  • ] - jumps back to [ if block != recursion_number


Variables are identified by special characters such as !"§$%&/)=?*+~'#-_.:,;<>|^° which can only consist of only 1 of predefined characters


Captl can be accessed via the command line like this.

  • java -jar Captl.jar -f file.captl - Executes from the given file
  • java -jar Captl.jar -i - Opens the live interpreting console
  • java -jar Captl.jar <Captl Code> Directly executes the given code from command line