Project URL:
Docker hub:
Provide a container to compile DotNet Core applications on Linux.
CircleCI builds and publishes the image.
An unattended test harness compiles a sample application from Microsoft. If all tests pass on master branch in the unattended test harness, it pushes the built images to the Docker hub.
These images are built as part of the test harness on CircleCI. If all tests pass on master branch, then the image is pushed into the docker hub.
docker pull jumanjiman/dotnet:latest
The "latest" tag always points to the latest version. Additional tags provide a way to correlate any image to a git commit from this repo.
Build an image locally on a host with Docker:
docker build --rm -t dotnet -f Dockerfile.alpine .
Run a container interactively from the built image:
docker run --rm -it dotnet bash
All files in this repo are subject to LICENSE (also in this repo). I chose MIT license because the trivial sample app from Microsoft is MIT-licensed.