Bios configuration with Conrep in a container
You can use this container to set BIOS state on HP Enterprise hardware as an alternative to other config management tools, such as Puppet/Chef/Ansible.
This image is built automatically on Quay with each push to GitHub.
Pull a built image like this:
docker pull
Query all the labels inside a built image:
docker inspect | jq -M '.[].Config.Labels'
docker run \
--rm \
--read-only \
--privileged \
--cap-add=all \
docker build --rm -t conrep .
By using this image, you are accepting the terms of the "HP Proliant Essentials Software End User License Agreement".
View the licenses:
docker run --rm -t \
cat \
/opt/hp/hp-scripting-tools/hp-scripting-tools.license \