This is an online platform where a user can write his own blogs, read blogs from other users, comment on blogs as well as maintain their own profiles by deleting personal blog articles or deleting comments on their own blogs.
Behavior- Our program should handle: | Input Example- When it receives: | Output Example- It should return: |
Allow user to sign up | Click 'sign up' | Created account |
Show user blogs from other users | Open app | List blogs |
Enable user to comment on a blog | Click 'comment' | written user comment |
Enable delete a blog or comment | Click 'Delete Blog' or 'Delete Comment' | Deleted blog or comment |
Enable user write a blog | Click 'new blog' | written user blog |
. Fork the data onto your own personal repository.
. Clone Project to your machine
. Activate a virtual environment on terminal: source virtual/bin/activate
. Install all the requirements found in requirements file.
. On your terminal run chmod a+x
. On your terminal run ./
. Access the live site using the local host provided
. Or access the live website by clicking on this url
there is spt error when submiting your blog
- CSS for styling.
- HTML for webpage design.
- Python3.6.
- Flask
- pip
- Telephone: +(254)
- Email:
- The MIT License (MIT)
- Copyright (c) 2019** **