My friend (W6IPA) and I developed a versatile Raspberry-Pi hat that can be used for Allstar, Echolink, APRS, or any digital modes.
We use the program in this GitHub repository to program the radio module SR-FRS used for the Pi-Hat.
Before programming the SR-FRS module, make sure you consult the band plan for your country and transmit on a frequency you are allowed to use.
$ git clone
[root@allstar ~]# python version
SRFRS: INFO: Firmware version: 110U-V223
[root@alarmpi SRFRS]# python radio --frequency 438.500
SRFRS: INFO: +DMOSETGROUP:0, RX frequency: 438.5000, TX frequency: 438.5000, squelch: 4, OK
[root@alarmpi SRFRS]# python radio --frequency 438.500 --offset -5
SRFRS: INFO: +DMOSETGROUP:0, RX frequency: 438.5000, TX frequency: 433.5000, squelch: 4, OK
[root@allstar ~]# python radio --frequency 145.230 --offset -.6 --ctcss 100
SRFRS: INFO: +DMOSETGROUP:0, RX frequency: 145.2300, TX frequency: 144.6300, ctcss: 100.0, squelch: 4, OK
[root@allstar ~]# python volume --level 5
SRFRS: INFO: +DMOSETVOLUME:0 Volume level: 5
If you use an FTDI dongle to program the SRFRS module the USB port can
be specified with the --port
[root@allstar ~]# python --port /dev/ttyAMA0 volume --level 5
SRFRS: INFO: +DMOSETVOLUME:0 Volume level: 5
This program has for sections:
- radio: Program the radio's frequency, tone and squelch level
- volume: Set the volume level
- version: display the firmware version of the SR-FRS module
usage: srfrs [-h] [--port PORT] [--debug]
{radio,volume,filters,version} ...
generate configuration for switch port
positional arguments:
radio Program the radio (frequency/tome/squelch)
volume Set the volume level
filters Set filters
version Show the firmware version of the SA818
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--port PORT Serial port [default: linux console port]
usage: srfrs radio [-h] --frequency FREQUENCY [--offset OFFSET]
[--squelch SQUELCH] [--ctcss CTCSS | --dcs DCS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--frequency FREQUENCY
Transmit frequency
--offset OFFSET 0.0 for no offset [default: 0.0]
--squelch SQUELCH Squelch value (1 to 9) [default: 4]
--ctcss CTCSS CTCSS (PL Tone) 0 for no CTCSS [default: None]
--dcs DCS DCS code must me the number followed by [N normal] or
[I inverse] [default: None]
usage: srfrs volume [-h] [--level LEVEL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--level LEVEL Volume value (1 to 8) [default: 4]
67.0, 71.9, 74.4, 77.0, 79.7, 82.5, 85.4, 88.5, 91.5, 94.8, 97.4,
100.0, 103.5, 107.2, 110.9, 114.8, 118.8, 123.0, 127.3, 131.8, 136.5,
141.3, 146.2, 151.4, 156.7, 162.2, 167.9, 173.8, 179.9, 186.2, 192.8,
203.5, 210.7, 218.1, 225.7, 233.6, 241.8, 250.3