
Source code for ACL 2023 paper Decoder Tuning: Efficient Language Understanding as Decoding

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Source code for ACL 2023 paper Decoder Tuning


Our code is based on PyTorch, HuggingFace Transformers, and OpenPrompt, please install dependencies by

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download Datasets

Download the 10 datasets with the following scripts

cd datasets
bash download_datasets.sh
cd ..

Run DecT

Then you can run DecT by running run_dect.py, for example

python src/run_dect.py \
	--model roberta \
	--size large \
	--type mlm \
	--model_name_or_path roberta-large \
	--shot 1 \
	--dataset sst2 \
	--proto_dim 128 \
	--model_logits_weight 1 \

In run_dect.py we provide instructions for each argument. To reproduce the results in paper, please run the following combinations

python src/run_dect.py \
	--shot [1, 4, 16] \
	--dataset [sst2, imdb, yelp, agnews, dbpedia, yahoo, rte, snli, mnli-m, mnli-mm, fewnerd] \
	--seed [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] \

Configure Models

You can configure different models by setting model, type, size, model_name_or_path parameters.

  • model: Model name. We now support plms in OpenPrompt, LLaMA, Alpaca and Vicuna.
  • type: mlm, lm or chat. This will determine the prompt template. For lm type models, we put the [mask] token at the end of the template. For chat models, we implement the chat template for Vicuna v1.1. You may change the template if you use other models.
  • size: Model size. Currently, it is used to set the hidden state dimension for LLaMA models.
  • model_name_or_path: Path to model weights.

You can also modify the load_model function in src/run_dect.py to support more models!