3D Frog Frenzy

This is a library for interacting with level maps from 3D Frog Frenzy.

This is not a GUI or level editor, but it will hopefully make it easier for someone else to make a GUI.

Current Status


  • Parsing Tiles into a useful Numpy array
  • Separating raw bytes of individual Sprites
  • Writing Tiles and Sprites to .MAP file
  • Parsing .DEF files into Definitions objects

In progress:

  • Reverse-engineering Sprite data. I have no idea what 55 out of 59 bytes do for Sprites. If you figure it out, please submit a pull request!
  • Better documentation


  • Write Definitions objects to .DEF files
  • Error-checking

Will never be done by me:

  • Any sort of GUI. If you want a GUI, you'll need to build it yourself on top of this library. But I'd be happy to help you use this library!