
A bad Minecraft mod.

Primary LanguageJava


A bad Minecraft mod. For 1.18.1.


Icon Item Hunger Saturation Effective quality Effects
Apple Pie 6 4.5 10.5 -
Baked Poisonous Potato 7 4.2 11.2 Poison I 0:30 (60%)
Baked Sweet Potato 6 6 12 -
Blue Cheese 1 0.5 1.5 -
Breakfast 3 3 6 -
Cactus Juice 2 4 6 -
Cheese 1 0.2 1.2 -
Cheeseburger 14 21 35 -
Cheese Stick 1 0.4 1.4 -
Diamond Apple 4 8 12 Regeneration III 0:05,
Absorption II 2:00
Diamond Emerald Baked Potato 5 6 11 Regeneration I 0:05
Doritos® 5 5 10 Turns into Doritos® Dust
Energy Drink 1 2 3 Random status effects
Gravel Bits 1 0 1 Hunger XX 0:01.5,
Poison II 0:01 (12.5%)
Hamburger 13 20.5 33.5 -
Lava Baked Potato 5 5 10 -
Leaf 1 0 1 -
Marshmallow 1 0.2 1.2 -
Overcooked Chicken 5 0 5 -
Overcooked Potato 5 0 5 -
Overcooked Steak 7 0 7 -
Plastic 0 0 0 Hunger I 0:10 (20%)
String Cheese 1 0.6 1.6 -
Sweet Baked Potato 6 6 12 -
Sweet Potato 1 0.8 1.8 -
This is not a glitch. 0 0 0 -
Twinkie 2 0.5 2.5 -
Very Poisonous Potato 12 7.2 19.2 Poison IV 0:30
Wet Apple 4 2.4 6.4 -



Icon Material Durability Enchantability Mining tier Mining speed
Air 6 1 1.0
Dirt 25 32 1.4
Gold 32 22 12.0
Wood 59 15 2.0
Log 236 8 1.5
Gold Block 288 11 9.0
Gravel 59 10 ★★ 3.0
Stone 131 5 ★★ 4.0
Copper 200 9 ★★ 5.0
Copper Block 1800 4 ★★ 3.75
Obsidian 3592 5 ★★ 6.0
Iron 250 14 ★★★ 6.0
Iron Block 2250 7 ★★★ 4.5
Diamond 1561 10 ★★★★ 8.0
Diamond Block 14049 5 ★★★★ 6.0
Netherite 2031 15 ★★★★★ 9.0
Netherite Block 18279 8 ★★★★★ 6.75
Bedrock 65535 1 ★★★★★ 1.0


Icon Tool Damage Speed DPS Durability Enchantability
(empty hand) 1.0 4.0 4.0 - -
Air Sword 1.0 4.0 4.0 6 1
Thick Wooden Sword 4.0 1.2 4.8 236 8
Thick Golden Sword 4.0 1.2 4.8 288 11
Dirt Sword 4.0 1.4 5.6 25 32
Golden Sword 4.0 1.6 6.4 32 22
Gravel Sword 4.0 1.6 6.4 59 10
Wooden Sword 4.0 1.6 6.4 59 15
Thick Copper Sword 5.0 1.2 6.0 1800 4
Stone Sword 5.0 1.6 8.0 131 5
Copper Sword 5.0 1.6 8.0 200 9
Thick Iron Sword 6.0 1.2 7.2 2250 7
Iron Sword 6.0 1.6 9.6 250 14
Obsidian Sword 7.0 0.8 5.6 3592 5
Thick Diamond Sword 7.0 1.2 8.4 14049 5
Diamond Sword 7.0 1.6 11.2 1561 10
Thick Netherite Sword 8.0 1.2 9.6 18279 8
Netherite Sword 8.0 1.6 12.8 2031 15
Bedrock Sword 14.0 0.008 0.112 65535 1


Icon Tool Damage Speed DPS Durability Enchantability
(empty hand) 1.0 4.0 4.0 - -
Air Axe 1.0 4.0 4.0 6 1
Dirt Axe 5.0 0.8 4.0 25 32
Thick Wooden Axe 7.0 0.6 4.2 236 8
Thick Golden Axe 7.0 0.75 5.25 288 11
Wooden Axe 7.0 0.8 5.6 59 15
Golden Axe 7.0 1.0 7.0 32 22
Gravel Axe 8.0 0.8 6.4 59 10
Thick Copper Axe 9.0 0.63 5.73 1800 4
Thick Iron Axe 9.0 0.67 6.07 2250 7
Thick Diamond Axe 9.0 0.75 6.75 14049 5
Stone Axe 9.0 0.8 7.2 131 5
Copper Axe 9.0 0.85 7.65 200 9
Iron Axe 9.0 0.9 8.1 250 14
Diamond Axe 9.0 1.0 9.0 1561 10
Obsidian Axe 10.0 0.45 4.5 3592 5
Thick Netherite Axe 10.0 0.75 7.5 18279 8
Netherite Axe 10.0 1.0 10.0 2031 15
Bedrock Axe 18.0 0.005 0.09 65535 1


Icon Item Tool Tool tier Hardness Blast resistance Drops
7UP® Cap - - 0 0 Self
Apple Block Axe - 1 1 Self
Balls - - 1.5 3 -
Block of Milk - - 1 1 Self
Breakfast Block Pickaxe 2 6 Self
Cheese Block Shovel - 1 1 Self
Coca-Cola® Cap - - 0 0 Self
Dr. Pepper® Cap - - 0 0 Self
Enchanted Golden Apple Block Axe - 5 9 Self
Funnel Cake Pickaxe 3 4.8 Cake + Hopper
Golden Apple Block Axe - 3 6 Self
Green - - 0 0 Self
Half Powered Nether Reactor Pickaxe ★★★★ 5 1200 Self
Nether Reactor Pickaxe ★★★★ 5 1200 Self
Powered Nether Reactor Pickaxe ★★★★ 5 1200 Random Nether items
Secret Cheese Block Shovel - 1 1 Self
Stick Block Axe - 1 1.5 3–4× Stick
(Block of)ⁿ Coal Pickaxe 5n 6 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Copper Pickaxe ★★ 3n 6 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Diamond Pickaxe ★★★ 5n 6 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Emerald Pickaxe ★★★ 5n 6 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Exposed Copper Pickaxe ★★ 3n 6 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Gold Pickaxe ★★★ 3n 6 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Iron Pickaxe ★★ 5n 6 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Lapis Lazuli Pickaxe ★★ 3n 3 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Netherite Pickaxe ★★★★ 50n 1200 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Oxidized Copper Pickaxe ★★ 3n 6 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Redstone Pickaxe ★★★ 5n 6 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self
(Block of)ⁿ Weathered Copper Pickaxe ★★ 3n 6 · 9ⁿ⁻¹ Self



4× Sugar Cane → 4× Plastic
s s
s s

Plastic → Shades
p · p
p · p
p p p

Plastic + Red Dye → 7UP® Cap
r ·
p ·

Plastic + Red Dye → Coca-Cola® Cap
p ·
r ·

Plastic + Red Dye → Dr. Pepper® Cap
· ·
r p

Dollar Bills

Gold Ingot + Paper → One Dollar Bill

One Dollar Bill → Gold Ingot

One Dollar Bill ⇄ Five Dollar Bill

Five Dollar Bill ⇄ Ten Dollar Bill

* This pattern continues up to a One Hundred Dollar Bill. Consecutive denominations can be combined to reach the next. For example:

Twenty Dollar Bill + Ten Dollar Bill → Fifty Dollar Bill

Nether Reactor

3× Netherite Ingot + 6× Obsidian → Nether Reactor
O n O
O n O
O n O

Nether Reactor + 4× Block of Gold + 4× Glowstone Block → Half Powered Nether Reactor
G = Block of Gold
L = Glowstone Block
N = Nether Reactor

Half Powered Nether Reactor + 4× Block of Gold + 4× Glowstone Block → Powered Nether Reactor
G = Block of Gold
L = Glowstone Block
H = Half Powered Nether Reactor

Compressed ore blocks

9× Block of Coal ⇄ (Block of)² Coal

* This pattern applies to all compressed ore blocks. Following the same pattern, the Block² can be combined into Block³ and so on, up to an exponent of 5.

Mass storage

9× Apple ⇄ Apple Block

Milk ⇄ Block of Milk

Breakfast ⇄ Breakfast Block

Cheese ⇄ Cheese Block

Coal Nugget ⇄ Coal

Copper Nugget ⇄ Copper Ingot

Diamond Nugget ⇄ Diamond

Emerald Nugget ⇄ Emerald

9× Enchanted Golden Apple ⇄ Enchanted Golden Apple Block

9× Golden Apple ⇄ Golden Apple Block

9× Green Dye ⇄ Green

Lapis Lazuli Nugget ⇄ Lapis Lazuli

Netherite Nugget ⇄ Netherite Ingot

Plastic Nugget ⇄ Plastic

Wood Nugget ⇄ Stick

4× Stick ⇄ Stick Block

Sawdust ⇄ Wood Nugget

Other shaped recipes

Cheese ⇄ 2× Secret Cheese Block
C . C

Cheese Block → 8× Secret Cheese Block
C . C

Other shapeless recipes

Blue Dye + Cheese → Blue Cheese

Brick + Red Dye + Yellow Dye → Breakfast

Milk → 4× Cheese

Cheese + Stick → Cheese Stick

Cake + Hopper → Funnel Cake

Lava Bucket → Lava + Bucket

Milk Bucket → Milk + Bucket

String + Cheese → String Cheese

Water Bucket → Water + Bucket



Water → Air

Thick Copper Tools → Copper Ingot

Copper Tools → Copper Nugget

Thick Golden Tools → Gold Ingot

Thick Iron Tools → Iron Ingot

Cooked Chicken → Overcooked Chicken

Raw Chicken → (Blast Furnace) Overcooked Chicken

Baked Potato → Overcooked Potato

Potato → (Blast Furnace) Overcooked Potato

Raw Beef → (Blast Furnace) Overcooked Steak

Steak → Overcooked Steak


Icon Item Time (s)
Sawdust 0.05 s
Wood Nugget 0.5 s
Coal Nugget 8 s
This is not a glitch. 9.95 s
Thick Wooden Axe 20 s
Thick Wooden Hoe 20 s
Thick Wooden Pickaxe 20 s
Thick Wooden Shovel 20 s
Thick Wooden Sword 20 s


Icon Item Fill chance
Leaf 7.5%
Cheese 30%
Marshmallow 30%
Sweet Potato 65%
Wet Apple 65%
Baked Sweet Potato 85%
Lava Baked Potato 85%
Sweet Baked Potato 85%
Overcooked Chicken 85%
Overcooked Potato 85%
Overcooked Steak 85%
Cheeseburger 100%
Hamburger 100%


"7up cap" by butterbro

"bekfast" by tbd.nintendo

"burned steak..." by Joshua

"burnt chicken" by unknown

"cactus juice" by Sebasti...

"Cheese Burger" by bioticslaya

"chese" by pos20000

"cokacola cap" by butterbro

"Completely Black Flint" by nylan

"cook poison putao" by whatup

"Diamond💎 Apple" by 𝚟𝚒𝚛𝚞𝚜

"Diamond Emerald Potato" by Daniel

"Diamond String" by Ziggy

"dirt pickaxe" by mark

"Doritos" by Legendary Gamer

"dr.peper cap" by butterbro

"ender string" by Ethan

"energy drink you can actualy drink it" by unknown

"funnel cake" by Andres

"gravel" by stinking dark

"Gravel Sword" by EVERYBO...

"Green" by Bobo1234

"hamburger" by mckay

"item.leaf.name" by Douglas

"marshmallow" by realff39

"mega Nether star helmet" by TheRubySaber

"obsidian pickaxe" by pokemongo1234

"one doller" by Kyle

"Overcooked Potato" by Shellbe...

"p09uhhbvxgfggv" by Tyeler

"patato cooked with lava" by necles

"salt" by unknown

"striiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing" by hacker

"Sweet potato" by Christi...

"This is not a glitch." by a dino

"very poisonus potatoe" by Avril

"Wet Apple" by Henry