Jade-Bootstrap-Angular boilerplate project for NodeJS using Express middleware
The quickest way to get started with this boilerplate is to install the packages first and use the npm script to start the application as shown below:
Install the packages.
$ git clone https://github.com/jump3r34/jadebootstrap-seed.git
$ cd jadebootstrap-seed
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Bootstrap set as the default UI framework
- JADE set as the default Template engine
- Focus on high performance
- Super-speed development using JADE mixins
- Angular - Single Directory Started
- Config file setup
- In the directory 'config' is the config.js file
- Edit these variables and import them using require where needed
- There is also a thirdPartyConfig file as well for third party configurations
- There will likely be a fork of this seed project with angular-material
- The angular material fork will likely have mongo config and passport as well
- Please leave comments on what you may need and I will try to get it done
- This was simply forked from rajasegar and I added to it for angular to help people
- I know a lot of people could use some help on understanding how to start a MEAN app
- ''That was the original intent -^^- to help others with a skeleton project''