
A responsive, Sass and Grunt UI Framework by Izilla

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A responsive, Sass and Grunt UI Framework by Izilla

v1.3.1 (2013-12-22)

Suzi is the starting point for all of our web projects and a culmination of 6+ years' experience in maintaining a front-end framework.

While some of its markup patterns and styles are directly related to our CMS, Cognition, we hope Suzi is flexible enough for others to use, learn and cherry pick from.


  • Built in a mobile-first, responsive philosophy (but can easily be used for fixed sites as well)
  • Mixins for lots of CSS3 features including gradients with SVG & CSS3PIE support, rems with fallbacks and CSS triangles
  • Starter content styles, including clean typography, lists, tables, etc
  • Starter form element styles: stacked on small-screen to 2-column at the breakpoint of your choice
  • Simple form validation
  • Responsive, lazy-loaded, touch-friendly carousels with optional navigation & pagination, analytics tracking & cookie-based remembering of last visible slide
  • Simple, accessible JavaScript tabs with cookie-based remembering of the open pane
  • Simple, accessible JavaScript accordions which transition to and from height: auto, and support multiple open panes
  • Simple, but powerful HTML templating using grunt-includereplace
  • Concatenation and minification of CSS and JS files with grunt-contrib-concat and grunt-contrib-uglify
  • Cache busting of CSS and JS assets with a unique timestamp querystring
  • Optimising of images with grunt-contrib-imagemin
  • Tabs instead of spaces :)


  1. Install Ruby (and add it to your Path Environment Variable on Windows)
  2. Install Sass
  3. Install node.js (and add it to your Path Environment Variable on Windows)
  4. Open a shell window and install the Grunt CLI with npm install -g grunt-cli
  5. Download or clone Suzi
  6. Open a shell window in the Suzi root directory
  7. Run npm install to install Suzi's Grunt dependencies


In a shell window, run grunt or open gruntwatch.bat for quick access in Windows

  • Set up variables for colors, fonts, sizes, breakpoints, etc in /css/site/partials/_config.scss
  • Add @font-face declarations to /css/site/partials/_fonts.scss
  • Make simple customisations to links, headings, lists & tables in /css/site/partials/_simple.scss
  • Make simple customisations to form elements in /css/site/partials/_forms.scss
  • Modify the carousels in /css/site/partials/_carousel.scss
  • Create and add site specific partials to /css/site/partials/_site.scss
  • Add any LT IE9 overrides to /css/site/partials/_ltie9.scss
  • Add any print overrides to /css/site/partials/_print.scss

To use the Sass-only features of Suzi, run sassqwatch.bat (on Windows) or bash sassqwatch.sh (on Mac)

Mixins and Functions

Helper functions

  • strip-units($number)

    Strips units from the number specified

  • em($pixels, $context: 16, $unitless: false)

    Converts a pixel value to ems, with an optional parameter to make it unitless (which is useful for line-heights)

    • $pixels: target size in pixels
    • $context: context size in pixels (default: 16)
    • $unitless: whether to omit the em unit (default: false)
  • percent($pixels, $context: $site-width)

    Converts a pixel value to a percentage

    • $pixels: target size in pixels
    • $context: context size in pixels (default: $site-width)

Functional mixins

  • rem($property, $values, $use-px-fallback: $rem-with-px-fallback)

    Converts a pixel value to rems, while also outputting the pixel fallback (optional)

    • $property: valid CSS property
    • $values: valid CSS value in pixels
    • $use-px-fallback: whether to output a pixel fallback as well (default: $rem-with-px-fallback [true])
  • gradient($nodes: (#f6f8f9, 0%, #e5ebee, 50%, #d7dee3, 50%, #f2f5f7, 100%), $direction: 'to bottom', repeating: false)

    Outputs the complete CSS3 gradient syntax for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE10, other capable browsers and SVG for IE9

    • $nodes takes a list of comma-separated #color, position% pairs. If only a single color is passed in, a plain background or background-color will be created depending on $use-background-property
    • $direction takes either the legacy syntax or the unprefixed W3C syntax, including angles. The following angles are supported for SVGs: 0, 10, 45, 90, 135, 170, 180, 190, 225, 270, 315, 350
    • $repeating: whether to create repeating linear gradients (default: false)
    • Uses the background property (and background-image for IE9) unless the global $use-background-property is false
    • Outputs a fallback background of the last color in the list unless the global $use-background-fallback is false
    • Outputs base 64 SVG syntax for IE9 unless $repeating is true
    • Outputs CSS3PIE syntax for LT IE9 unless the global $use-pie-background is false or $repeating is true
  • grid($breakpoints: (480, 600, 768, 960), $percentages: (10, 20, 25, 30, 33.3333, 40, 50, 60, 66.6666, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100))

    Outputs relevant media queries and helper classes for Suzi's flexible, customisable and responsive grid system

    • $breakpoints: A list of the breakpoints (in pixels) that media queries and classes should be generated for (default: 480, 600, 768, 960))
    • $percentages: A list of the class name percentages to be output for each breakpoint and as simple default overrides (default: 10, 20, 25, 30, 33.3333, 40, 50, 60, 66.6666, 70, 75, 80, 90, 100)
  • hover($pseudo: false)

    Outputs :hover & :focus rules for the current element

    • $pseudo: the name of a single pseudo-element (after, before) or a list of multiple to create :hover & :focus rules for
  • nth-child($an: 2n, $sibling: '*', $count: 15)

    Allows nth-child functionality for .ltie9 (if you can't/don't want to use Selectivzr) by outputting crazy sibling selectors

    • $an: the counting method, eg: 2n, 3n, odd (default: 2n)
    • $an can also be a list, with the 2nd parameter being the modifier, eg: 2 for ($an+2) or -3 for ($an-3)
    • $sibling: the sibling element selector, eg: 'li', 'div' (default: '*')
    • $count how many sibling selectors to support, eg: 10, 20 (default: 15)
  • triangle($direction: right, $width: 5px, $height: 10px, $color: $std-link-color, $layout: true, $border-style: true, $webkit-rotate: true, $important: false)

    Outputs a CSS triangle for use in :before/:after pseudo-elements. It duplicates the rule, using rgba for transparency to prevent 'black fringes'

    • direction: up, down, left, right (default: right)
    • $width: width in pixels (default: 5px)
    • $height: height in pixels (default: 10px)
    • $color: triangle's hex color (default: $std-link-color)
    • $layout: whether to output CSS content, display, height & width properties (default: true)
    • $border-style: whether to output the CSS border-style property (default: true)
    • $webkit-rotate: whether to rotate the triangle by 360deg in WebKit for smoother appearance (default: true)
    • $important: whether to also output !important on border-color and border-width properties (default: false)

Class mixins

  • classquery($class-name, $output-ltie9-rule)

    Generates .classquery-$class-name & (optional) .ltie9 [data-classquery*=".classquery-$class-name"] selectors to be used with class.query.js to manage responsive content

    • $class-name: the class name to use (default: default)
    • $output-ltie9-rule: whether to output the .ltie9 rule. Set to false if the class is used for a max-width media query (default: true)
  • clearfix

    Float clearing without hacks for IE7+ and every other browser

  • hidden($hide: true)

    Accessibly hide (and un-hide) an element off-screen

    • $hide: whether to hide or unhide the (default: true)
  • hide-text($display: false, $width: false, $height: false)

    Hide an element's text content

    • $display: sets the display property to a value of your choice (default: false)
    • $width: sets the width of the element (default: false)
    • $height: sets the heightof the element (default: false)
  • horizontal($vertical-align: top)

    Sets the UL specified (or first UL of a parent element) and its immediate LIs to use display: table to create an evenly spaced, horizontal list for modern browsers and uses floats for .ltie8. Used in the .horizontal and .horizontal_always classes

    • $vertical-align: the vertical-align property to give to the child LIs (default: top)

CSS Property mixins

  • animation($property: default 1s ease)

    Outputs -moz, -o-, -webkit and unprefixed animation with the value passed in (default: default 1s ease)

  • animation-delay($value: 1s)

    Outputs -moz, -o-, -webkit and unprefixed animation-delay with the value passed in (default: 1s)

  • animation-direction($value: normal)

    Outputs -moz, -o-, -webkit and unprefixed animation-direction with the value passed in (default: normal)

  • animation-duration($value: 1s)

    Outputs -moz, -o-, -webkit and unprefixed animation-duration with the value passed in (default: 1s)

  • animation-fill-mode($value: none)

    Outputs -moz, -o-, -webkit and unprefixed animation-fill-mode with the value passed in (default: none)

  • animation-iteration-count($value: 1)

    Outputs -moz, -o-, -webkit and unprefixed animation-iteration-count with the value passed in (default: 1)

  • animation-name($value: default)

    Outputs -moz, -o-, -webkit and unprefixed animation-name with the value passed in (default: default)

  • animation-timing-function($value: ease)

    Outputs -moz, -o-, -webkit and unprefixed animation-timing-function with the value passed in (default: ease)

  • background($color, $duplicate-as-pie: false)

    Outputs a background rule with the $color specified. If $duplicate-as-pie is true, it will also output a -pie-background property (useful for overriding a gradient on hover, for example)

  • border-radius($radius: 5px, $background-clip: padding-box)

    Outputs -webkit and unprefixed border-radius

    • $radius: radius to use (default: 5px)
    • $background-clip: which background-clip property to use (if any) (default: padding-box)
  • box-shadow($shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.25))

    Outputs, -webkit and unprefixed box-shadow with the value passed in (default: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.25))

  • box-sizing($boxsize: border-box)

    Outputs -moz, -webkit and unprefixed box-sizing with the value passed in (default: border-box)

  • font-size-line-height($font-size, $line-height: false, $important: false)

    Outputs a rem (and pixel fallback) font-size and an optional unitless line-height from the values provided

    • $font-size: target font-size to achieve in pixels
    • $line-height: target line-height size to achieve in pixels if not false (default: false)
    • $important: whether to also output an !important declaration on both properties (default: false)
  • keyframes($name)

    Outputs -moz, -o-, -webkit and unprefixed animation @keyframes named with the value passed in

  • line-height($target, $context: 16, $important: false)

    Outputs a unitless line-height from the target and context sizes provided

    • $target: target line-height size to achieve in pixels
    • $context: the font-size in pixels of the current element (default: 16)
    • $important: whether to also output an !important declaration (default: false)
  • pie($position: relative, $path: false)

    Outputs a position property and CSS3PIE behavior property with path to PIE.htc

    • $position: position property to use or false for none (default: relative)
    • $path: path to PIE.htc if specified, otherwise uses $default-pie-path variable when false (default: false [$default-pie-path: '/css/PIE.htc'])
  • rgba-background($color, $opacity: 0.5, $use-fallback: true, $use-background-color: false)

    Converts a background color and opacity to rgba, with the option to output a default fallback color or a composite fallback color of your choice

    • $color: color to be converted - either a single value or a list
    • if $color is a list, the second parameter is used as the fallback colour - useful for composite fallbacks
    • $opacity: alpha opacity of the color (default: 0.5)
    • $use-fallback: whether to output the fallback color (default: true)
    • $use-background-color: whether to use background-color property instead of background (default: false)
  • transform($transform-function: none)

    Outputs, -ms, -moz, -o, -webkit and unprefixed transform with the value passed in (default: none)

  • transform-origin($transform-origin: 50% 50% 0)

    Outputs, -ms, -moz, -o, -webkit and unprefixed transform-origin with the value passed in (default: 50% 50% 0)

  • transition($property: all ease 0.2s)

    Outputs, -moz, -o, -webkit and unprefixed transition with the value passed in (default: all ease 0.2s) Instances of transform or transform-origin will be prefixed as required.

  • transition-delay($delay: 0.2s

    Outputs, -moz, -o, -webkit and unprefixed transition-delay with the value passed in (default: 0.2s)

  • transition-duration($duration: 0.2s)

    Outputs, -moz, -o, -webkit and unprefixed transition-duration with the value passed in (default: 0.2s)

  • transition-property($property: all)

    Outputs, -moz, -o, -webkit and unprefixed transition-property with the value passed in (default: all) Instances of transform or transform-origin will be prefixed as required.

  • transition-timing-function($timing: ease)

    Outputs, -moz, -o, -webkit and unprefixed transition-timing-function with the value passed in (default: ease)

31 transition-timing-function variables are defined in src/partials/_easing-functions.scss

  • viewport($width: device-width)

    Outputs, -moz, -ms, -o, -webkit and unprefixed @viewport with the value passed in (default: device-width)

Media Query mixins

Four variables are provided for media query operators: $min, $max, $min-h & $max-h for min-width, max-width, min-height and max-height, respectively

  • media-query($value, $ltie9: $use-ltie9-mq-fallbacks, $operator: $min, $px: false)

    Outputs a standard media query using ems and an optional .ltie9 fallback

    • $value: pixel value for the breakpoint
    • $ltie9: whether to output .ltie9 fallback (default: $use-ltie9-mq-fallbacks [true])
    • $operator: operator for the breakpoint, e.g. min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height (default: $min [min-width])
    • $px: use px instead of ems
  • media-query-and($first-value, $second-value, $first-operator: $min, $second-operator: $max, $px: false)

    Outputs a media query with an 'and' condition and an optional .ltie9 fallback (unless max-width is less than $site-width)

    • $first-value: pixel value for the first breakpoint
    • $second-value: pixel value for the second breakpoint
    • $ltie9: whether to output .ltie9 fallback (default: $use-ltie9-mq-fallbacks [true])
    • $first-operator: operator for the first breakpoint, e.g. min-width, max-width, min-height, max-height (default: $min [min-width])
    • $second-operator: operator for the second breakpoint
    • $px: use px instead of ems
  • media-query-retina

    Outputs a media query for Hi-DPI devices

A Dreamweaver extension is available which adds code hint support for all of the above mixins and functions. Download it here: https://github.com/stowball/Suzi-Code-Hints

Copyright (c) 2013 Izilla Partners Pty Ltd
Licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE for details)