Kubernetes Master Ansible Role

Creates a standalone Kubernetes master node.


Key Description
kube_master_version The Kubernetes version.
kube_master_base_install_enabled Whether to attempt to install the base binaries. Can be disabled if it is known they will already exist, eg. on a base image.
kube_master_base_config_enabled Whether to attempt to reconfigure the master from the template files. Can be disabled if the system is already configured and no vars have changed.
kube_master_encryption_config_enabled Whether to attempt to reconfigure the apiserver encrpytion from the template file. Can be disabled if the system is already configured and the template has not changed.
kube_master_enable_services Whether to enable, start and verify services are running.
kube_master_services The list of master services to be installed.
kube_master_binaries The list of kubernetes binaries to be installed.
kube_master_listen_iface The network interface used for master services.
kube_master_listen_ip The IP to listen on for master services. Defaults to determine this from the configured kube_master_listen_iface.
kube_master_etcd_group The ansible group containing all etcd nodes.
kube_master_pod_cidr_range The subnet to use for pods.

SSL Configuration

Keys and certificates are loaded from the locations shown below. The jumperfly.ssl_cert role can be used to generate them if required. See the tests folder for an example.

Key Description
kube_master_cert_dir The base directory for all certificates. By default all certificates below are expected here.
SSL file paths See defaults/main.yml for the full list of file locations. All defaults are configured to reside in kube_master_cert_dir.