
Fisheye to equirectangular converter written in RealBasic/XOJO

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Fisheye to equirectangular converter written in RealBasic/XOJO

This is an experimental program (or if you prefer, a pre-alpha release), so use it at your own risk.

This program takes as input 1 or 2 images in fisheye/square/circular format and reproject them into equirectangular projection.



A "fisheye/square/circular" is an image with same width and height, containing the circular image representing the field of fiew of a fisheye lens.

FishconLC relies on an external program called "FFMPEG", and makes use of its V360 filter to perform all calculations, being as a matter of fact just an interface to produce the needed parameters to use FFMPEG to convert from fisheye to equirectangular, using this command:

ffmpeg -i input.jpg -y output.jpg -vf v360=fisheye:equirectangular:ih_fov=235:iv_fov=235:yaw=0:pitch=90:roll=0
  • h_fov and i_fov define the horizontal and vertical FOV of thew fisheye image;
  • yow, pitch and roll define the orientation of the camera

For double fisheye input (only horizontal) just change "fisheye" to "fisheye".

Experiment here:
