
Working kubernetes cluster with multiple computes where node labeling is done according to theirs roles.

For openstack we will require the following labels:

  • openstack-control-plane=enabled - for k8s computes that will host openstack control plane containers
  • openstack-compute-node=enabled - for k8s computes that will host openstack compute nodes
  • openvswitch=enabled - for k8s computes that will host openstack network gateway services and compute nodes

For ceph we will require the following labels:

  • role=ceph-osd-node - for k8s computes that will host ceph osd's

Example of node labeling:

$ kubectl get nodes --show-labels
NAME    STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION                    LABELS
cmp1    Ready    node     3h37m   v1.13.5-3+98374c02d2d8c1,,extraRuntime=virtlet,,,openstack-control-plane=enabled,role=ceph-osd-node
cmp2    Ready    node     3h37m   v1.13.5-3+98374c02d2d8c1,,extraRuntime=virtlet,,,openstack-control-plane=enabled,role=ceph-osd-node
cmp3    Ready    node     3h36m   v1.13.5-3+98374c02d2d8c1,,extraRuntime=virtlet,,,openstack-compute-node=enabled,openvswitch=enabled,role=ceph-osd-node
ctl01   Ready    master   3h42m   v1.13.5-3+98374c02d2d8c1,,,
ctl02   Ready    master   3h41m   v1.13.5-3+98374c02d2d8c1,,,
ctl03   Ready    master   3h41m   v1.13.5-3+98374c02d2d8c1,,,

Deploy helmbundle controller

The controller manages releases of helm charts:

$ kubectl apply -f crds/helmbundle/helmcontroller.yaml

Deploy Ceph

Deploy rook controller

$ kubectl apply -f crds/helmbundle/ceph/rook.yaml

Deploy ceph cluster

$ kubectl apply -f crds/ceph/cluster.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f crds/ceph/storageclass.yaml

Share ceph metadata with openstack

Import secret from ceph-rook namespace:

$ kubectl get secret rook-ceph-admin-keyring -n rook-ceph --export -o yaml | sed -e 's/keyring:/key:/' | kubectl apply -n default -f-

Import ceph.conf configmap as well:

$ kubectl cp rook-ceph/$(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-operator" -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'):/etc/ceph/ceph.conf /tmp/ceph.conf && sed -i 's/[a-z]1\+://g' /tmp/ceph.conf; sed -i '/^\[client.admin\]/d' /tmp/ceph.conf; sed -i '/^keyring =/d' /tmp/ceph.conf; sed -i '/^$/d' /tmp/ceph.conf;

$ kubectl create configmap rook-ceph-config -n default --from-file=/tmp/ceph.conf

Deploy infra components

$ kubectl apply -f crds/helmbundle/openstack/ceph/infra.yaml

Deploy storage independeng openstack services

$ kubectl apply -f crds/helmbundle/openstack/common/openstack.yaml

Deploy rest of core openstack

$ kubectl apply -f crds/helmbundle/openstack/ceph/glance.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f crds/helmbundle/openstack/ceph/cinder.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f  crds/helmbundle/openstack/common/openstack-network.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f  crds/helmbundle/openstack/common/openstack-compute.yaml

Validate OpenStack

$ mkdir /etc/openstack
$ tee /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml << EOF
    region_name: RegionOne
    identity_api_version: 3
      username: 'admin'
      password: 'password'
      project_name: 'admin'
      project_domain_name: 'default'
      user_domain_name: 'default'
      auth_url: 'http://keystone.default.svc.cluster.local/v3'

$ export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm

$ apt-get install virtualenv build-essential python-dev
$ virtualenv osclient
$ . osclient/bin/activate
$ pip install python-openstackclient

$ wget
$ openstack image create cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk --file cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare
$ openstack network create demoNetwork
$ openstack subnet create demoSubnet --network demoNetwork --subnet-range
$ openstack server create --image cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk --flavor m1.tiny --nic net-id=demoNetwork DemoVM