An example Turbo Native backend to use Jumpstart Pro iOS / Android with existing Ruby on Rails apps
- alejoriveraSpacebar
- anthonyamarStudiomatic
- BasharLuluBC, Canada
- biow0lfUkraine; Ireland
- bryanbeshoren/a
- bunnahabhainToronto
- christopherstyles@allthefarms
- dillon-coUnited States
- dpaola2OrangeQC
- eserna27@briqmx @livelulas
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- joemasilottiMasilotti.com
- JoseValencia125@saludtech
- KIT87
- locosoft1986
- LukeSal88San Francisco, CA
- ngtrieuvi92Scaleup.vn
- profadevairvitorio@totalpass
- QuintinAdamProject Wayfinder
- sedubois@imagineclarity
- SethHorsley@StateCert
- stevepolitodesign@thoughtbot
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- trezyhq
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- vigneshackerIndia
- xuling1979
- yshmarov@corsego