This is the first resource for Japanese word-color associations (Harashima 2016). The resource includes a total of 2,903 Japanese words.
In the resource, three contexts are given for each word and color associations are given for each context as follows.
- ε±ιΊ (danger) 950106118-019 red: 5, yellow: 4, purple: 1, orange: 1
- ε±ιΊ (danger) 950107036-002 red: 4, yellow: 4, gray: 2, pink: 1
- ε±ιΊ (danger) 950106128-014 red: 6, black: 2, gray: 2, green: 1
The values correspond to the number of participants who associated the color with the word in the given context.
For contexts, we randomly chose sentences containing the target words from Kyoto University Text Corpus (Kurohashi and Nagao, 1998), in which an unique ID such as 950107036-002 is given for each sentence as follows.
950107036-002: ... ε±ιΊγͺγγ¨γγγ©γ€γγγ¦θ¦η©γγγ¨γγ ... (... program that places the cast members in danger ...)
We also collected Japanese word-color associations without contexts. The color associations are given for each word as follows.
- ε±ιΊ (danger) red: 7, yellow: 3, black : 1