

  • Base token will be ERC1155 which allows to mint series of tokens.

  • Number of tokens in certain series will be defined by the novel issuer. One novel could be sold with limited supply the same as with the book.

  • Most of the content will be stored in metadata via URI.

  • Metadata will have content which is compliant with OpenSea standard so novels would be able to sell also in OpenSea

  • Availability to store image

  • The content can be updated by novel issuer via storeURI function until it is not completed.

  • The main content of novel will be stored in separated URI which will be mapped to certain tokenId.

  • The main content will be displayed only to the ERC1155 token owner on our marketplace

  • Potential configurable fees for deployments

  • Necessary setter functions:

    • createNovel
    • addContent (setURI)
    • completeNovel
  • Neccessary libraries:

    • ERC1155 URI
    • Ownable
  • Frontend:

    • needs to have ability to store metadata in the IPFS (best via NFT storage or pinata) (sripts will be done in smart contract utils)
    • needs to have ability to read metadata from IPFS


  • Item list storage
  • Listing, modifying and canceling functionality
  • Buying, selling functionality

Vault - smart contract which allows to keep user's funds inside and pay for using protocol without signing transaction every time:

  • deposit native token (matic)
  • withdraw
  • paying system