Usage: v [OPTIONS] [COMMAND] [ARGS]...
Simple git wrapper. Stage and commit.
If there are no changes staged, stage all changes.
-m, --message TEXT Commit message
-d, --directory TEXT Run in this directory
--version Show the version and exit
--help Show this message and exit.
diff WIP $EDITOR diff view
fix Stage and amend (rewrite) last commit
log Show commit log
ls List changes
reset Delete all changes and untracked files
rewrite (interactive rebase)
- replace aliases from .gitconfig
stat = log --oneline --graph --stat dev..
- pass on rest params to appropriate git subcommands
- commands
$ v status
show remotes, branches, configured upstream branches, number of commits and changes.
$ v exec
run a shell command, make a commit with the command line
$ v branch