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Blog Engine (WIP)

This example Blog engine implements the following functionality

User Authentication and Authorization:

  • Secure user authentication and authorization for all actions.

User Roles:

  • Admin: Has full access to all features, including managing users, posts, categories, and tags.
  • Author: Can create, edit, and delete their own blog posts. Can view and manage their own comments.
  • Moderator: Can manage comments across all blog posts. Can edit or delete inappropriate comments.
  • Registered User: Can view and comment on blog posts.
  • Guest: Can view blog posts but cannot comment without registering.

Blog Post Management:

  • Create a new blog post with a title, content, and optional featured image.
  • Edit existing blog posts, including modifying content, title, featured image, categories, and tags.
  • Delete blog posts, with appropriate confirmation prompts and permissions.
  • View a list of all blog posts with pagination support.
  • Filter blog posts by categories and tags.

Image Upload:

  • Users, especially authors, should be able to upload images to be used in their blog posts.
  • Implement a feature to attach images directly within the blog post editor.
  • Support common image formats (e.g., JPEG, PNG, GIF).
  • Validate and sanitize uploaded images to prevent security vulnerabilities.

Amazon S3 Integration:

  • Integrate the application with Amazon S3 for storing and serving uploaded images.
  • Utilize appropriate AWS SDKs or libraries for Node.js to interact with S3.
  • Store images in a secure and well-organized structure within the S3 bucket.

Image Management:

  • Allow users to view and manage their uploaded images.
  • Provide options to delete or replace images attached to a blog post.
  • Implement image resizing and optimization to ensure optimal performance.

Image Thumbnails:

  • Generate and store thumbnails for uploaded images to improve page loading times.
  • Use the thumbnails for image previews in the blog post editor.

Image Embedding in Blog Posts:

  • Allow authors to embed uploaded images directly within their blog posts.
  • Provide an intuitive way for authors to insert images into the post content.

Image Metadata:

  • Store relevant metadata for each uploaded image, such as upload date, owner, and usage in blog posts.
  • Display image metadata to users in the image management interface.

User Permissions for Image Management:

  • Set permissions to control who can manage and delete images, especially for images attached to blog posts.

Quota and Usage Tracking:

  • Implement a system to track and manage user quotas for image storage.
  • Notify users when they approach or exceed their allocated storage limits.

Categories and Tags:

  • Create, edit, and delete blog categories.
  • Assign one or more categories to each blog post.
  • Create, edit, and delete tags.
  • Assign multiple tags to each blog post.

User Comments:

  • Allow registered users and guests to leave comments on blog posts.
  • Users can edit and delete their own comments.
  • Moderators can edit and delete any comments.
  • Implement a spam filter or moderation system to prevent inappropriate comments.

User Profiles:

  • Registered users have profiles displaying their username, profile picture, and a list of their authored blog posts.
  • Admins can view and manage user profiles.

Search Functionality:

  • Implement a search feature to find blog posts based on keywords, categories, tags, or author names.