Tailwind Layout


To install tailwind run the following command.

yarn add tailwindcss

We need something to process our CSS through a chain of postCSS plugins.

yarn add postcss-cli

Tailwind doesn't include any vendor prefixes. So we install one.

yarn add autoprefixer

In order to configure tailwind lets run

npx tailwind init

the above command will create tailwind.config.js file with empty values.

we will create another file postcss.config.js to specify which plugins we are going to use.

Create a file css/tailwind.css and specify the @tailwind directives.

add script to package.json to process the CSS through postCSS plugins. This will generate an output file.

Run the following command to generate CSS.

yarn run build

this action will generate a CSS in the directory specified in package.json. Include the output CSS file in html.