Hi buddies. This is my first github repository. I coded this 2 years back, but due to time unavailability I could not able to upload it. The way code is written is might looks like old tensorflow style but all things are present in this repository.
This repository contains the implementation of Justin Johnson's Paper "Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution" in Tensorflow
The paper is using an algorithm which takes content from content image and style from given style image and generates combination of both.Here is an example:
- Tensorflow
- Cuda
- Hdf5
- Opencv
- scikit-learn
- Other Basic Libraries
After installing all these dependecies, then you need to download the pretrained weigths of squeezenet. The reason behind sequeezent is that in paper they are extracting features from it and it is also one of the lighest pretrained model.
First of all you have to create a dataset file (hdf5 file).Since we have limited amount of ram so we have to read from secondary memory. But,reading from secondary memory is too much slow. So,to mitigate this problem i used HDF5.It provides much faster reading speed as also now we have single file instead of thousands of images.
Dataset Creation
Basic Usage:
python Dataset_creation.py -save_path <./dataset.hdf5> -data_path <./.*jpg> -shuffle_data <0 or 1>
Detail of parameters:
-save_path: The path where dataset file(HDF5 file) will be save.
-data_path: The folder path which contains all the images for training.
-shuffle_data: 0=No shuffling and 1=shuffle
Basic usage:
python train.py -param <"init" or "restore"> -num_epoch <int> -model_path <./model.ckpt> -train_size <int> -batch_size <int> -style_img <./style_image.jpg> -dataset_path <./dataset_git.hdf5> -squeezenet_path <./squeezenet.ckpt>
Detail of parameters:
-param: use "init" (when you want to train it from scratch) or use "restore" (when you
want to use checkpointed weigths)
-num_epoch: The number of iteration of dataset
-model_path: The path where you want to save your final model or restore weights from
-train_size: The number of images in dataset
-batch_size : Batch size
-style_img: The path of style image
-dataset_path: The path where HDF5 dataset file is saved.
-squeezenet_path: The squeezenet model weights path
Basic Usage:
python test.py -content_img <./content_image.jpg> -style_img <./style_img.jpg> -output_path <./pic2.jpg> -squeezenet_path <./squeezenet.ckpt>
Detail of parameters:
-content_img: The path of content image
-style_img: The path of style image
-output_path: The path where you want to save the output image
-squeezenet_path: The squeezenet model weights path