lesson 1


park car and pick up car from parking lot


  • give one car and empty parking lot,

  • when park the car to the parking lot,

  • then the car can be picked from parking lot, and the car is same with parked car.

  • give one car parking in the parking lot,

  • when pick the car,

  • then the car can not be pick again.

  • give one car and full parking lot,

  • when park the car,

  • then the car can not be parked.

  • give one car and parking lot with one parking space capacity,

  • when park the car,

  • then the parking lot will be full.

lesson 2


as the ParkingBoy, I can park the car to multiple parking lots in order


  • give one parking boy manage one parking lot

  • when parking boy park the car

  • then the car can be picked from parking lot

  • give one parking boy manage one parking lot

  • when parking boy park the car

  • then parking boy can pick the car

  • give one parking boy manage one parking lot, and the parking lot is full

  • when parking boy park the car

  • then the car can not be parked into parking lot

  • give one parking boy manage two parking lot

  • when parking boy park two car

  • then the cars can be picked from two parking lot

  • give one parking boy manage two parking lot, the first parking lot is full, second is not full

  • when parking boy park two car

  • then the cars can be picked from the second parking lot

lesson 3


  • give one smart parking boy manage two parking lot, first with one available space, second with two available space.
  • when smart parking boy park the car
  • then the car can be picked from second parking lot