A survey and reflection on the latest research breakthroughs in LLM-generated Text detection, including data, detectors, metrics, current issues and future directions.
- 4turkuazTechnical University of Munich
- A-Salty-Fish
- aJupyterNankai University
- baekingeol
- canyuchenIllinois Institute of Technology
- CharlemagneBrainIRD
- Chen-X666University of Southampton
- DylanXuLT
- enkiwangUniversity of British Columbia
- fostiropoulosPalo Alto
- HaodongLiang666Nanjing University
- heyongxin233Institute of Computing Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences
- JamesCorden
- junchaoIUUniversity of Macau
- Krypton808
- LiamBrenner@dc-engineering
- longRookie
- mizuki-p
- pramitchoudhary@oidlabs.com
- RirikooUniversity of Macau
- RumiMaBeijing,China
- ryuryukkeUniversity of Pennsylvania
- SaibalPatraDSNetaji Subhas University of Technology @nsut
- shuyhereKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology,Univercity of Macau,UfishAI
- suzjidNorthwestern Polytechnical University
- Tailen
- thaint2901
- thiennh23University of Information Technology - VNUHCM
- tlkahnOlympus Mons, Mars
- TsuiChunghei
- Vidhi1290Data Science meets Cyber security
- Vomonalylle
- weehaotang
- Xiuyu223National Central University
- zhouweixiaoBUAA