
Sim-Grasp offers a simulation framework to generate synthetic data and train models for robotic two finger grasping in cluttered environments.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

🚀 Sim-Grasp

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Sim-Grasp Learning 6-DOF Grasp Policies for Cluttered Environments Using a Synthetic Benchmark.
Juncheng Li, David J. Cappelleri.
Paper | Project Website

Table of Contents

Cluttered Environment Generation

For dataset generation and simulation environment, refer to our previous work, Sim-Suction, which supports the generation of cluttered environments using Isaac Sim simulator.

Grasping Candidates Annotation

Use the two_finger_sampling_angle_aug.py script to sample grasp candidates and check collisions.

Use the grasp_simulation.py script to perform dynamic evaluation.


Use code under Sim_GraspNet for model construction (Codes to be cleaned).


Use code under Sim_Grasp-policy for grasping policy (Codes to be cleaned).